Ceremony - ChrisMD Imagine

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Title: Ceremony
Pairing: ChrisMD x Reader
Requested(?): yes
Warnings: none
Its short and I'm sorry but it's cute so I hope that makes up for it.

"Chris could you zip me up please?" I called from his bathroom. I had just finished getting ready for Chris' cousins wedding. Chris came into the bathroom, half dressed himself and he ran his hand down my back before zipping me up.

"You look amazing love." He said turning me around and giving me a kiss.

"Thank you Christopher", I followed him into his bedroom where he picked up his suit jacket and put it on. He then picked up his tie and handed it to me.

"Would you like to do the honors?" He asked.

"You're just saying that so you don't have to." I laughed but nonetheless stood up to tie it.

"You clean up so well Chris." I said letting my hand trail across his jaw and to the back of his head.

"As do you Y/n. Let's get going." He took my hand and we walked out to his car. His cousin was getting married just about an hour away and Chris was one of the groomsmen. I was quite excited for today really, I mean, who doesn't love a wedding?

When we arrived we took our present to the gift table and found some of Chris' family to talk with.

"Y/n I'm so glad you were able to make it!" Chris' grandmother said giving me a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug.

"I wouldn't miss it." I continued talking to his family while he went to get into place with his fellow groomsmen. Kelly grabbed my arm and pulled me with her to our seats.

"I love weddings so much." She whispered in my ear as people began taking their seats and the classic wedding march began to play.

I turned my head to watch the pairs of bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle. I locked eyes with Chris and he gave me a large smile and a cheeky wink. I let out a quiet giggle and felt my cheeks turn a light pink shade.

"I saw that." Kelly prodded my arm and I smiled at her.

At some point during the ceremony Kelly and I both began crying tears of joy as the now wed couple shared their first kiss as husband and wife. Everyone cheered and clapped as the happy couple turned to face their friends and family.

After everyone had disbanded Chris found his way over to me, wiping the tear from my cheek and holding my waist.

"That's going to be us someday you know? All of our friends and family gathered together with us as the bride and groom."

"Chris are you trying to make me cry even more?" We laughed as I wiped my eyes and pulled him in for a hug.

"Let's head to the reception." He took my hand and led me to the outside where a large tent was set up for the reception. The crowd seemed to be bigger now that we were all gathered to watch their first dance. As more couples joined the dance floor Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the dance floor.

"I'm thinking 'bout, how, people fall in love in mysterious ways." Chris sang to me as we slow danced.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced and he continued to sing softly to me.

"Y/n?" I was drawn from my trance as Chris' mother said my name. "I hate to interrupt you two but we could really use a hand right now, one of the bridesmaids just tore her dress and we need someone that can sew." I let out a small laugh and nodded.

"I'll be back love." I kissed Chris' cheek and followed his mom to go fix the dress. It was a quick mend and I was soon back on my feet and searching for my boyfriend.

I found him in the middle of the tent with all of his little cousins dancing and playing around. As he spun his cousin around while dancing he spotted me staring at him and smiled wide.

'One day we'll have kids of our own' I thought to myself. I found myself smiling out of control and joined the group of dancers.

"I love you so much." I said to Chris as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you too." He pressed his lips to mine and I smiled into the kiss.

"Ewwwww!" All of the kids around us screamed before running away from us. Everyone around us began laughing along with us and Chris grabbed my waist, dipping me and kissing me again causing everyone to cheer and applaud us. Chris really was the best boyfriend in the world.

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