Forgotten - Calfreezy

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Title: Forgotten
Pairing: Calfreezy x Reader
Requested(?): yes thank you [Requests taken on tumblr: wroetominter]
Warnings: none, possibly some swearing

Song recommendation: Water Under The Bridge - Adele

Dating a youtuber surely has its perks, being able to attend fun events and have someone to film with when you're bored. Though, it definitely also has its downfalls as well.

For instance, I'm in university and Callum, my boyfriend of a year, is a youtuber. With our conflicting schedules, we hardly have time for each other.

This coming weekend, I will be graduating from university. A culinary institute that had been my dream to attend. Now that I'm done, I really want to have my boyfriend at graduation to support me.

"You promise you'll be there?" I asked him for about the tenth time this week.

"I told you babe, I'll be there. Don't worry." He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down, pressing a kiss to my lips gently.

"I'm so happy." I said smiling and leaning my head into his chest.

"I'm glad I make you happy love." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. "But I have to film with the boys, I'll be back in a few hours." He grabbed his keys and backpack.

"Have fun!" I walked towards the living room, sitting myself down on the couch and grabbing my phone.

I checked my phone, scrolling through social media and watching some YouTube videos.

I received a text message, quickly looking at it, I smiled at the message.

Chris: Your graduation is at 2pm yeah? I don't want to miss seeing my best friend graduate.

I thought about what I was going to say before typing my response.

To Chris: that's right, and thank you for coming, it means a lot.

Chris: I wouldn't miss it for the world.

I smiled at the message and grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch, pulling it over myself and cuddling into the couch, quickly falling into a deep sleep.


I straightened my robes, making sure my hat was on correctly before looking at my friend Bethany.

"Do I look okay?" I asked her.

"You look perfect Y/n." I smiled at her and embraced my friend.

"We did it." I said, holding her at an arms length.

"We did it." She repeated, wiping a stray tear from her olive toned cheek.

I peeked out into the audience once again, seeing Chris in his seat, but not Cal. I sighed. Callum knew how important this was to me and he just didn't show up.

They called us out, and we all took our seats. Our headmaster began his speech, and soon enough, names were called and diplomas were handed out.

They called my name and a few cheers were heard, my parents, best friends from home, and of course, Chris.

I grabbed my diploma, shaking the mans hand and then switching my tassel to the other side.

After the ceremony, I found my family and gave them hugs and kisses, and then I was pulled in an embrace from Chris.

"I'm so bloody proud of you." He said smiling.

"Thank you Chris." My parents talked to me, both telling me how proud of me they were as well.

"I'm taking you to dinner, my treat." Chris grabbed my arm and began to walk me away from the group.

"Wait my par-"

"They already know. They're taking you out tomorrow. Let's go." I nodded, not wanting to argue.

Chris took us to a fancy restaurant, and I was glad I had worn a dress under my gown.

"What would you like to drink?" The waiter asked us after we were seated.

"Two glasses of Rosé please." Chris said, and I smiled at him. He remembered my favorite wine.

After we received our drinks, Chris cracked a joke and then snapped a photo of me laughing, smiling at his phone and typing away.

"Chris what are you doing?" My phone lit up on the table with a notification on instagram. I opened it to find Chris had posted the picture he took of me with the caption "Dinner with the university graduate, congratulations Y/n."

"Thank you Chris." My smile slightly faltered as I thought about Cal and how he should be here.

"What's wrong love?"

"Cal. He should have been here."

"He's hanging out with JJ." Chris said softly, looking at me with soft eyes.

My heart sank. "I'm sorry, I'll deal with it later. Let's just enjoy the evening." Chris nodded, reaching across the table and patting my hand.

We ordered our food, and chatted about anything and everything. YouTube, what I was doing now that I was graduated.

"I'm going to open my own restaurant soon. It's always been my dream."

"I'll be there opening night." I smiled, looking down at my now empty plate.

"You're too good to me Chris. What did I do to deserve you?" I asked him honestly.

"You're you. That's enough."

Chris paid for our meal and we took a cab back to my flat.

"Thank you for tonight Chris. I really enjoyed myself." I gave him a hug.

"Anytime, let me know how it goes when you talk to Cal if you can, yeah?"

"Sure." We said our goodnights and I unlocked the door, heading inside and finding Callum on the couch waiting for me.

"Y/n you're here. I'm so sorry I completely forgot and JJ had tickets to the match and-" I cut him off.

"Save it, really." He stopped, his head lowering. "You knew how much today meant to me. You knew that I was counting on spending the day with you. Instead who did I spend it with? My best friend Chris, someone who's always there for me. You're hardly ever there for me anymore Callum. It really makes me question why we're still together."

He sat down, putting his head in his hands.

"I don't want to break up, I want to make this work. You're the first girl I've truly had feelings for in a long time and I don't want to throw that away. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. If you decide to stay with a dickhead like me, I promise you I'll make more time for you. For us."

I nodded, then realized he wasn't looking at me. "Okay." I said.


"Yes. Okay. I'll give you another chance." He stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Have I told you how proud of you I am?"

"Not recently."

"Well I am. I'm so proud." He kissed my forehead and I smiled.

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too." He said smiling.

The two of us went to our room, laying down together and cuddling.

"I'm taking you out sometime as a late celebration." He said, stroking my hair.

"You don't have to."

"You're right. I don't have to. I want to." I smiled at him and cuddled my head into his chest.

"I love you so much." I said kissing his lips.

"I love you more."

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