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This could possibly be a two part thing, let me know if you want a part two!


Driving down the familiar road through the trees and smelling the crisp fresh air as the wind whipped through my hair was like a flash to the past. Ever since I was about eight years old I had been coming to this summer camp. It was a two month camp that was a place for kids to be and have fun while not in school.

Now that I was older - fifteen to be exact - I was too old to be a camper but just old enough to be a counselor. A few of my friends from years past had also became counselors so I knew this summer was bound to be good.

My mom had dropped me off and I grabbed my duffel, deciding to come back later for my larger suitcase. The air was warm and the sun was shining through the trees. Cabins lined the woods and a large fire pit was in the middle. It was all so familiar and refreshing.

"Y/n! It's so good to see you!" My friend Amberleigh called. She was already wearing a counselors uniform and her dark hair was put up in a ponytail.

"You too! Are we in the same cabin?" I asked.

"All of the female counselors have one and the males have another. Some of the guys are really cute you have to meet them." I giggled with her and we walked to our cabin.

"Alright counselors, most of you know all of the rules and regulations so I'm not worried about your leadership skills, those of you that are new you'll get a veteran partner to help you out." Our head counselor told us. "Y/n will you show Vik around?" She gestured to a darker skinned boy who looked up at me with kind eyes.

"Sure thing, come on." I smiled and he immediately looked a bit more relaxed than he did a few minutes before.

"So this is your first year here?" I asked making conversation as we walked.

"Yeah my parents told me I had to stop gaming so much so they sent me here. I still feel my fingers absentmindedly moving over a keyboard sometimes." We laughed and I showed him the medical building.

"I've been coming here since I was eight. I know this place like my own home." He watched me talk and smiled.

"Then you know all of the secret hiding places then?" I nodded and met his gaze. "You'll have to show me sometime."

"Of course." I said.

"They looked so scared! You handled that really well Vik." I complimented him. Some of the kids had just tried to sneak off into the woods to go swimming later and Vik had caught them, stopping them before they could get any further.

"Thanks, I was really nervous that they wouldn't listen to be honest."

"I knew they'd listen. You have authority here. And it's their last night, they wouldn't want to get banned and not be able to come back next year. Speaking of, are you coming back next year?" I asked him.

"Depends. Are you?" I smiled and nodded my head yes. "Then definitely."

[Four Years Later]

"Vikky!" I screamed seeing my best friend exit his car.

"Y/n!" He called back, running towards me with his arms open. We embraced and pulled back with the widest smiles on our faces. This was our last year of being counselors together before we head off to uni in the fall.

"Are you ready for a summer full of adventure?" He asked.

"I'm always ready."

"Hey Y/n? Are you almost ready? The fires about to begin." Vik knocked on the door of the cabin and announced.

"I'll be done in a few minutes, just freshening up." I had changed into a hoodie and some leggings, making sure I wouldn't get cold during the breezy autumn night. I put my phone in my pocket in case I needed a flashlight during tonight's events and headed out the door.

I spotted Vik sitting on an otherwise empty bench and I joined him, putting my feet up and waiting for everyone else to show up.

We made s'mores and talked, sharing stories and revealing our favorite moments from camping so far. Mine was getting to meet all of my friends and the other campers, as I said this, Vik put his arm around me and hugged me close. This wasn't unusual behavior for us but what happened a few minutes later was.

"I'm gonna turn in for the night guys." Vik stood up and silently told me to follow suit.

"Same actually, long drive home tomorrow." Everyone muttered their goodnights as Vik and I walked back towards the bunks.

"Hey, this way." He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the main path and into the path that takes you to the lake.

"Vik that's off limits this late" I warned.

"And it's your last night here, are you really that worried?" I shrugged, realizing he was right and following him to the dock.

He sat down and then reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels. "Thought we could use a little something to celebrate." I let out a small gasp, shocked that he was doing this. He was normally a person that followed the rules but tonight seemed to be different.

He passed the bottle and I took a drink, letting the warm alcohol burn my throat. He did the same and we kept sharing and talking until I was definitely feeling a bit of a buzz from the strong liquor.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked as we laid back and looked at the stars.


"I've had a bit of a crush on you for the past two years." He turned his head to look at me.

"Really? Why didn't you say something sooner?" I asked, turning to look at him as well.

"I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same and it would ruin our friendship." Almost as if it was an instinct, I moved myself so I was laying on top of him, looking into his shocked eyes as his hands grabbed my waist lightly.

"You were dead wrong, Vik." A burst of confidence came over me and I leaned in, kissing him softly as the alcohol mixed with my thoughts. One completely sober thought sticking out to me: I wanted him.

"Y/n, we don't have to do this." He said out of breath. I shook my head and continued to take off my top.

"I know. But I want to." This seemed to light a fire within him as he started to remove my clothes as well as his.

He was gentle and passionate, caring for my every need as he pushed in and pulled out, giving me the utmost pleasure.

After we had both reached our climax we laid there for a minute before redressing ourselves.

"I don't want this to be the end of us Vik. Sheffield isn't that far from Manchester. We can make it work." He nodded, kissing me softly.

"I know we can. I'll visit you every holiday I can."

"And I'll do the same. This isn't just a summer fling, right?"

"Of course not." He put his arm around me and we walked back to the cabins. He kissed me goodnight and I went into bed, realizing that all of these summers weren't just good memories to look back on. They were also opportunities to make more memories throughout my life.

"Did he kiss you?" I heard Amberleigh mutter in her sleepy state. I giggled.


"Thank fuck it's about time you two realized you're mad for each other." And with that she rolled over and went to sleep.

I was gonna miss this place.

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