Amuse - Tobi Imagine

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Title: Amuse
Pairing: Tobi x Reader
Warnings: none
Requested(?): yes, thank you :)


"What do you wear to an amusement park date?" I asked my best friend as I picked through my closet.

"Something casual. Probably like a cute pair of jeans and a sweater? It's going to be a little chilly." She said helping me find an outfit.

"I'm just so nervous. I haven't been on a date in so long and I really like Tobi."

"It'll be fine babe, trust me. He's so into you." She said making me feel a bit better.

After I had finished getting ready, there was a knock at my door. I scrambled around and checked myself once over in the mirror before I answered.

"Hey Tobi." I said casually as I opened the door.

"Hello Y/n, you look lovely as always." I felt myself blush.

"Thank you, you look quite handsome yourself." He flashed me a smile and held his hand out for me to take.

Being the perfect gentleman he is, Tobi opened the car door for me before getting into the driver side himself. He let me pick the music we listened to on the way there so I played one of my Spotify playlists and we jammed to old school r&b the entire way there.

After getting our wristbands for the park, we spent a few minutes at the food court getting lemonades and snacks.

"What do you want to go on first?" Tobi asked me.

"Let's start with the smaller rides and work out way up." I suggested.

Tobi took my hand as we walked and I smiled, loving this date already even though it just started.

We started with a small rise that was basically a big swing that went forwards and backwards. The next ride we went on was a smaller roller coaster that was still extremely fun.

By the time we had only one ride left, I was a bit apprehensive about this roller coaster. It was gigantic and had numerous loops and drops.

"Nervous?" Tobi wrapped an arm around my waist. I nodded and stared ahead of me as the line slowly dwindled down.

"Don't worry, I've got you." I smiled at him and he hugged me tight.

Once we were at the front of the line, we got buckled in and I held Tobi's hand tight.

The man operating the ride counted us down and the cart sped off. I was squealing in excitement as we went through twists and turns. Tobi was obviously enjoying the ride as well.

After the ride finished we got off and began our walk back to the car park.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Tobi asked me on our way home.

"I did, we'll have to do something together again sometime."

"I'd love to." He smiled and continued to drive me back to my place.

Tobi walked me up to my apartment and we paused at the door. "I really enjoyed being out with you tonight." He said.

"So did I." Tobi lightly caressed my cheek and leaned in, pressing a short kiss to my lips.

"Goodnight Y/n." He smiled and I returned the goodnight.

I went into my apartment and leaned against the door. A smile was plastered on my face the entire time I got ready for bed and by the time I was laying in bed I was still feeling on top of the world.

My phone vibrated and I went to check it.

Tobi: goodnight love, sweet dreams ;)

I smiled at the message before replying.

To Tobi: sweet dreams x

And with that I turned over and let myself fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

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