Afraid - Calfreezy

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Afraid - Cal


I was feeling pressure all around me at the moment.

"Cmon baby, you've got to sooner or later." Cal said trying to get me to have sex with him.

"Cal I'm not ready. I've told you this before." I felt weak, like I didn't have a say in the matter.

"You're just nervous. Trust me." Trust me. Those same words I've heard over and over. Words that don't make me trust anyone.

Cal grabbed my hands, pinning them above my head and began kissing me. I was fine with him kissing me. We had done this before. I just didn't want to have sex with him yet. We'd only been together for about a month and a half and to me, that was too early to have sex.

He began to feel me up, groping my breasts and thighs.

"Callum, no." I said.

He didn't stop. Making me feel very uncomfortable. He began to remove my clothing. I was feeling tears well in my eyes.

"Don't cry baby. You won't regret this. Trust me." Those damn words again.

"Callum I don't want to." Tears were now falling from my eyes more. I was getting choked up as I was now naked and he was stripped down as well.

"Please Cal. Don't do this." I begged him.

Without even putting a condom on, he began to have meaningless sex with me.

I was bawling my eyes out and begging him to stop. But he wouldn't.

He came inside of me and I felt dirty. I felt used. Like a whore.

I got up and dressed myself.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"I'm leaving Callum. You just raped me." I said crying even more saying the words.

He didn't say a word and I felt like my throat was raw and damaged from all of the constant yelling I did.

"How could you do that Cal!" I yelled at him.

"You wouldn't have given it to me any other way!" He yelled back, getting angry and standing up. His tall dominant stature scaring me even more.

"You're a fucking prude! You wouldn't have ever had sex with me!" He reached a hand out and it collided with the side of my face. He slapped me.

I was screaming and crying again.

"Y/n, y/n!" I was woken up and I felt myself thrashing around screaming with tears in my eyes.

I opened my eyes to see Callum and Harry standing there.

I immediately backed as far from Cal as I could.

I was still shaking and sobbing.

"What's wrong babe?" Cal tried to come towards me and I screamed, hiding my face in my hands.

Harry came close, holding me trying to get me to calm down.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I had a nightmare that he raped and hit me." I sobbed out.

I could barely see through my tears, but Cal's face was heartbroken.

"Y/n, please. It was a dream. Please come here?" He spoke in gentle words. Making me feel more comforted.

"I'll be just next door, if you need me." Harry let me go and I got back onto the bed where Cal sat with his arms open for me.

I hesitantly let him hold me, feeling very violated. Even though it was a dream.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you darling." He whispered softly.

"I know." I choked out, trying to stop crying.

"It just felt so real." I touched the side of my face where his hand had made contact in the dream.

"Is that where-" he trailed off and I nodded.

He leaned forward and kissed that spot.

"I love and respect you too much to ever do something like that to you. Think, is that the real Callum you know?" He asked.

"No. You're much more kind. I trust you Cal." I said finally beginning to calm down.

"Good, I want you to be able to feel comfortable and safe with me. I won't ever do anything without your permission. I promise you that." He said.

"Okay, I believe you. Can we go to sleep now. I feel exhausted." I leaned my head onto his chest and he laid back down.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."

And I do. Despite that awful dream. I can't stop loving Callum.

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