Fun in IKEA

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I am just sitting in my room listing to music currently am listening to fall out boy centuries and am just humming along to the lyrics

when my bedroom door opens with a bang and my dad and his friends are stood there with smirks and evil grins on their faces

"There she is boys the whore" I could feel the tears start to swell in my eyes but held them back I didn't want to cry in front them they don't deserve my tears just then my and his friends started walking towards me

"What do u want to do today then boys" he asked that's when one out of 4 of his friends started to hit me and later joined in the rest of them

then they were hitting me calling me names and saying things to me KICK "you're the reason your mother left" PUNCH "you're the reason why she's dead" SLAP SLAP "you worthless whore" KICK KICK KICK "why don't you just go kill you're self"

they all shouted at me and when they were done they left the room and I had all these bruises and cuts around my body

that's when I got up and went to the bathroom and got my only friend

My blade I had to find a place with no bruises then I sliced a couple of lines on my ankle

Dream over

I woke up with a sudden jolt I was breathing heavily I had sweat covering my entire body as Simon must of felt it because he also got up with a jolt just seconds after me

"What's wrong" he asked "nothing is wrong" "Then why did you wake up like that and heavily breathing and sweating" I told him half the truth and kept the rest to myself

"I had a dream that someone came into my room and started hitting me and badly and calling me names and started saying a hole bunch of crap that I can't even remember now"

I was on the verge of tears but I held them back so Simon wouldn't see I was successful and then I was brought into a warm hug by Simon "we would never do that to you you don't have to worry about that" "thank you Simon"

"what time is it?" I look over at the clock as it reads "Half past 5" I say "come on a little while longer then we will get up" "okay" we fall back to sleep I still have Simons arm around me but it was comforting

I woke up a couple of hours later it read 8:30 on the clock I decided to get up I very carefully removed Simons arm from my waist trying not to wake him up and slowly walk down stairs cause everyone is still in bed because of their sleeping schedules are "Fucked up"

So i stared walking downstairs to the kitchen Josh showed me where everything was so I decided to make my FAV that I have not had in a long time which is

Pancakes with syrup sugar and Nutella
Bacon sandwiches
Toast with poached egg
Sausage sandwiches
And the last thing I will make I do not know how this is gonna taste but

Pancakes with syrup,sugar,Nutella,bacon,poached egg and sausages

(A/N Hey don't judge me the top thing happens to be so fucking good and the last thing I have no idea it just came to me but that's because I like to mix food u wouldn't normally mix together anyway)

I was making everything at once I was also making it for the boys am not greedy as the smell traveled through the air

I heard running from upstairs coming down here I turned to see them at the door way as JJ shouts "SHE COOKS SHE FUCKING COOKS" "do you guys not cook in this house" I said

"well we do but it always ends up getting burnt or falls on the floor basically what am trying to say here when we cook it's like a natural disaster happens" Josh says

"Natural as in it was always meant to happen no matter what as soon as you were born this started happing" I questioned

"Well yeah basically" simon says I just stare at them for a couple of seconds then shake my head like am saying "really" I turn back and start cooking again they took  a seat at the island while I have them their breakfast

(Skip breakfast)

So we are in the car again driving off to IKEA but it's only me Simon and Josh when we get there I jump out of the car and run to the bed isle With simon and Josh running behind me as soon as o get there I look in front of me and then turn into another Isle

"you do realise that the beds are in the other Isle" said Simon "Shhh keep your voice down do you not hear that" "hear wha" "uuuhhhh yes YES faster faster harder uuuhhhh ANTHONY" "Oh my fuckin God" Josh whispers we peer round the corner and sure enough there was a guy and a girl fucking on one of the beds

"I will not be getting that bed I have a feeling I won't be sleeping comfortable on it I also think it's memory foam so I think the bed will cry at night" I say and Simon and Josh try to laugh silently but ended up bursting out laughing we all fell on the ground and heard the couple on the bed say "what's that"

The Josh ended up accidently rolling on the floor and was on the floor in front of them in the Isle me and Simon stopped laughing and was watching them from the corner Isle again Josh stood in front of them you could tell he felt awkward his hand was scratching the back of his head and they all stood looking at each other

The women was covered up with the bed sheets and the guy had a shirt in front of his junk so to make things more awkward I decided to send Josh a little message on Simons phone cause I don't have one "Simon give me your phone" "why just do it" "okay okay here"

I texted Josh and a few seconds later he takes his phone from his back pocket and looks at it then too us confused then reads the text out loud by accident "say can I join you two"

"NOOOOOO!!" The women practically screams at Josh and throws a shoe at him and he starts running towards us and when he is out of sight crouches down with us "Simon why man" "hey she sent it not me but it was still pretty funny mate" Simon says while high fiving me

we stand up and come or of where we were hiding and enter the Isle the couple was in too see that they were gone and we started to pick out everything I needed and went home

Skipping to when they get home

As soon as we entered the door Josh says "Do we have to go back there anytime soon" me and Simon burst out laughing as we remember the events that happens only a few hours ago when JJ and Vik came down the stairs

"what you two laughing about" Vik asks so I tell them the whole story and by the end we are all laughing except Josh who is siting there playfully glaring at me and I get this sharp feeling in my side and I bend over in pain

(A/N Not what your dirty minds are thinking) and start groaning in pain and let a couple of tears slip out Josh notices and gets up from where he is siting "are you all right" Josh asks all the other guys notice and stop laughing and look at me "everything is all right Josh" "no it's not lift up your shirt" "no and much more pervy can you get"

Just then the rest of the sidemen calfreezy and Dylan come in and into the kitchen and see what's going on "Brooke lift the shirt" I keep my face looking at the floor after a few short seconds I feel fine again I see someone trying to grab my hand and without warning

I Run

I run right out of the house and I just keep on running I run to nowhere hell I don't even know where too go I just keep on


A/N Her bedroom up top

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