Hospital part 2

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Brooke's PoV

I woke up too the bright sun in my eyes. "Good morning sweetheart how are you feeling?" "Am fine" I say with a smile.

"Oh would you look at that" "What" I say. "It's snowing" "Wow I guess we were all so busy we didn't even realize it was the 20th of December" 5 days till Christmas.

Wow. This year has gone by so fast. I look around my room and notice that the nurse has left and am by myself. I cant wait to get out of here and get home.

"Good morning" It was the doctor from yesterday. I scowled. He came over and tried to tell me about the therapist. Key word here tried.

As soon as he said your therapist. I zoned out. I didn't want to know about that i don't need to go to a therapist.

"Right now your brother will be here soon to come and collect you" When he noticed i wasn't listening he walked away. All i heard is that Josh was coming soon.

I just want to get out and be in my own room in my own bed. I don't want any of this therapy crap. I was just about to close my eyes to sleep again when the door opened and Josh walked in

"Come on sis time to go home" "Where's Simon" I ask again "I told you he left" "That doesn't answer my question where is he" "I think i should tell you the truth" He says. I nod and wait for him to carry on

"When we got here Simon was not here and when he was i punched him and told him to stay away from you then he said some stuff then i said some stuff and he walked away and drove away in his car then we came too see you and then went home he wasn't there and he hasn't been home since the hospital he wasn't there when i left either i told JJ and Vikk that if he comes home while am out too call me"

"Why did you do that" "Becau-" Joshs phone goes off "Hey Vikk  "Yeah am with Brooke"  "Hes hom-"  "What do you mean am not gonna like it"  "Whats happened Vikk"  "Okay fine ill see when i get home"  "Okay bye now Vikk"  He ends the call and puts it back in his jeans "Okay come on i brought your clothes with me"

He says and hands me a bag and helps me up "Josh whats happened" "I don't know Vikk wont tell me anything he wants me too see it instead"

I nod then go into the bathroom and get changed. We left the room and josh registered me out then went to his car.

While he was driving i couldn't help but think. What has happened. What did josh do. What did he say.

Wait what did Simon do. What did he say. I'm pretty sure that phone call from Vikk was about Simon but it sounded bad.

I didn't notice that we had pulled up too the house until Josh nudged me and said "Come on" We got out the car and headed towards the door. We could hear shouting coming from the inside.

We had to knock because Josh forgot his keys and the door was locked.We waited a few minutes until the door opened to reveal Vikk. The shouting was louder now that the door was open.

Vikk looked at Josh with an angry face and then softens and turns sympathetic when he looks at me. I give him a confused face and Josh just gives him an angry look.

Vikk moves out of the way so me and Josh can get in. There was a lot of shouting going on. I thought they were playing a game but that was before i saw Vikk whispering to Josh about something.

All i heard was "Simon..... Bad.......Go up stairs...." That's all i heard "Emmm Brooke" I heard Josh say. I turn and look at him "Yes" i say "Maybe you should go upstairs until we sort all this out" I gave him a confused look "No i want to know whats going on" I say.

They look at each other then back at me Josh nods as Vikk leads the way. As we get closer the shouting gets louder "SIMON WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!"

Once i hear JJ shout that. I push passed Vikk and opened the door too the living room and shocked at what i see.

Simon has his arms around two other girls that none of us know "Simon" I say barley above a whisper. Tears threating to fall.

Josh and Vikk walk in Josh has a murderous look in his eyes when he looks at Simon and Vikk and everyone else just looks angry.

While am standing here upset and ready to cry. While Simon and the two girls are smiling "And" Simon finally says.

Just before anyone can say anything else. I slapped him across the face and made sure that there was my giant hand mark across his face.

Then turn around and walk out of the living room. With an emotionless face. I walk up the stairs and walk into my room and sit down on my bed. Am done. I cant do this anymore. I give up.

Josh's PoV

I cant believe he would fucking do this. yes i told him to stay away from my sister but not fucking this. I mean they are still together as well so this is basically cheating.

I cant fucking believe this and he's just sitting their with that smug look on his face with whoever the fuck is with him. Before i can say anything.

I see Brooke walk over to him and he just looks at her with that smug look smiling. Until Slap. She slapped him across the face and as she turns around. Expecting to see a heartbroken girl with tears streaming down her face. But no.

As soon as she turns around. She has no look of emotion. I see no sign of any emotion at all. She walked out of the living room and with no reaction or emotion and walked upstairs. To where i can only assume. She went to her room.

I turn back to Simon who has a shocked look written across his face. Along with my sisters hand print as well "I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD FUCKING DO THIS" I yell at Simon. He dosen't say anything. He still has that shocked look on his face.

Once he regains back to himself. He looks too his sides where the girls are and then at us. Then all so suddenly he just falls to the ground and starts having a seizure.

His mouth also starts foaming up. We run over too him and JJ and Cal(freezy) pick him up and try to remove all the foam from his mouth.

Harry calls for the ambulance and within seconds they are here. JJ goes in with Simon and we all go in our cars. Dylan stayed behind with Brooke.

I don't know whats going on anymore.

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