Letting Go

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Brooke's PoV

"So" Dyaln started "what happened with you and James" "I dont want to talk about him" I say "Okay then" She says.

Then gives me a flirtatious look "What about Simon" She said while winking at me. I look at her and start blushing madly "N n.. n... n..... no" I stutter and blush even more. If that was even possible.

I look away. When i hear very loudly aswell "OMFG YOU LIKE SIMON" I whip round quickly and cover her mouth with my hand. "Shut up they will hear you" She looks at me with wide eyes and shakes her head furiously.

I let go and she starts to squeal. "Omfg you like him and you didnt even tell me" "I only just realized i like him" "Anyway" she said "Do you thin-" "Dylan thats us leaving now come on" Harry shouted from downstairs "Coming" she shouted back.

"Ill see you next time and we will carry this conversation on" Then with that she left. I got another text. I look at my phone and it says Unknown. I know exactly who it is.

Texts - Between Unknown and Brooke

Unknown - You better watch out i have big plans for you Babe x

Brooke - Leave me alone

Unknown - You silly little girl i cant you know i cant i love you too much x

Brooke - No you dont what you did wasn't love and you are a psycho

Unknown - Watch out you havent seen the worst of me yet x

I shut of my phone and throw it at the wall and crawled into a ball and started crying. I couldnt stop but i made sure they were soft and low so no one could hear them.

Just then i hear a knock at my door "You alright" It was Vikk "Yeah am fine" I lied "I can tell you're not" He said "I heard you crying" "No am fine" I lied

Vikk looked at me and stared straight into my eyes "Brooke" He said and thats when i broke down crying. Not caring how i looked or how loud i was.

Vikk walked over too me "Brooke" He said as he sat beside me and pulled me in for a hug. Letting me cry on his shoulder "Its okay Brooke tell me what happened" He said.

I tried to stop crying really loudly and it worked. I pulled away from the hug and looked at him and told him about the texts.

"He sent me another text he said he has big plans for me am so scared Vikk the things ive seen him do the things hes capable of what hes done to me am just.... Just so scared Vikk"

I started crying uncontrollably and hugged Vikk again. We stayed like that for 10 minutes. We eventually pulled away "Are you okay now" I nodded yes.

"Do you wanna go downstairs Harry and that wemt home and Simon, Josh and JJ went Pokemon hunting" He said  "Without me" He dramatically said. While pretending to be hurt.

I laughed a little and said "No i just want to go to bed to sleep" I said with a sad smile. He looked at me "Okay then but if you need me ill be in my room recording minecraft okay" He said. I nodded. We hugged one last time then said goodnight.

It was half 6 and i was tired as hell. As soon as my head hit the pillow. I was out like a light.

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