What did i do?

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Josh's PoV

I drove to the hospital in my car alone and called Simon's parents. I don't understand what is happening. I am driving right behind the ambulance.

I cant even believe those girls even had the nerve of asking to come with us. We finally make it into the hospital and they rush Simon in immediately.

Simon's PoV

I felt like i was awake but i couldn't open my eyes. I can hear shouting and crying. Where am i, Why cant i open my eyes, What's happening. "We need to get him to the examining room ASAP" I heard someone shout" Wait what, Am in a hospital.

I keep on trying to open my eyes and move about but nothing no matter how hard i try nothing am just stuck here. I feel like am on something and that am getting pushed down somewhere very fast. I then feel a bump and then a slow roll too a stop.

Someone begins too take off my top and then put something cold on me. They put this thing in me and start pumping things out. I also feel a sting in my other arm like they are taking blood. Am so scared at this moment i don't know what's happening i just want to go home.

I hear a door open and many footsteps walk in. "Is he okay" I hear a male say. "He is in a coma we have predicted he will wake up in about three days" I hear some gasps and some whimpers like someone is crying.

"We wont know if there is anything wrong with hi fully until he wakes up and we can do a proper evaluation on him" "Yes doctor" I heard a female say.

I hear footsteps again walking away and then finally a door close. "Oh Simon" I hear a female cry out and then someone hug me. "What happened" I hear a male voice. "We aren't quite sure he just looked around and then at us then fell and hade a seizure" I heard another male say.

"Hello is this Mr Minter's room" I heard another male say like who the fuck are all these people. "Yes who are you if you don't mind me asking" The same female from before said.

"I am the doctor we took some of Mr Minter's blood earlier and we also had to pump his stomach we found a drug running through his system" There was a lot of gasps.

I never took any drugs i never have never in my entire life. "Simon doesn't take any drugs he's never taken a drug in his entire life" "Well am sorry Ma'am but we wont exactly know until he wakes up and even then we still might not know" "What does that mean" "He might have amnesia" Then all i heard was silence. Complete and utter silence. Then walking and a door close.

"Oh my baby boy what did you do" I heard and then someone hug me. Do i know anyone. Who is hugging me. I feel myself starting to properly wake up.

I open my eyes too see blonde hair in my face. "Hello?" I say confused. She looks up at me with wide eyes. "Simon your awake" "Who" I say.

She stands up and looks at me. I sit up rubbing my head. "Where am i" I ask then look up. "And who are all of you" I say looking at everyone. "Wait who am i" I say. Everyone looks at me with many different emotions.

"Well your name is Simon and we are your friends and them over their are your parents" A guy with a beard said. I looked at everyone and then to my apparent parents then the doctor walks in

"How are you Mr Minter" Who was he talking too? Is he talking to me? The doctor then looked at me and I looked back confused on what's going on.

"It looks like he has amnesia" The doctor said "I don't know when or if he will get his memory back" The doctor continued to say "What can we do" An older man in the room says I think it's my apparent father.

"Well you can show him some things to jog his memory or recreate the last thing he was doing before the accident occurred" The doctor said.

Everybody had a worried and scared face on and some even had anger "Or not" The doctor said. "Simon have you ever took any illegal drugs before or this week" The doctor asks me. "Emm no I would never take drugs" "Hmm" The doctor say.

He turns around to look at everyone else and says "Simon was drugged and that's why what happened happened" Everyone gasped and had little chats while me and the doctor was just quiet. Before the doctor left he said.

"We managed to flush all the drugs and toxins out is Simons body and should be better soon we are going to provide him with a lot of medication like painkillers and anti toxins and a lot more so he has to take them regularly and with water and if he doesn't something bad might happen"

When the doctor left everyone was just silent. "Ahhh" I sad will holding my head and closing my eyes. "Simon what's wrong" I heard someone say.

Suddenly I see a beautiful woman from the angle it looks like she's underneath me. Everything else is quiet it's like a memory.

I hear myself say "so does that mean you like me too" She laughs it's so cute and her smile is beautiful "Yes" She says with her beautiful smile. I grab her chin to look into my eyes and say "Will you be my girlfriend" She looks at me with shock and happiness "Yes" She finally says. We kiss again and then that's it the memory is gone but stuck in my head.

I open my eyes to everyone's worried faces. "What happened Simon" Someone with a hat says. "Who's my girlfriend" I finally say.

Everyone stares at me with shock then worry and some had angry faces again. What did I do?

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