There Part 2

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They woke up in each others arms. It was perfect, until Ziva tried to say something and split open her lip, then everything came back. Her entire eye was a sickly black and her bottom lip was swollen and cut. Her arms were dotted with brusises that were going to take some time to heal.  

While she worked on her lip Tony called Gibbs. "Hey boss. Listen, I think that I got some food poisoning from China King... Yup, I don't think I can come in, it's coming out of both ends.... Yup.... Thank you boss... Won't tell you again." Tony hung up.

"Got the day off. And someother team is takeing the weekend shift. You know what this means?"

"What?" Ziva asked with a small smile to keep her lip from cracking.

"We got three days to get this place habitable for you and I." He said looking around.

She sighed with a smile. "Oh, I don't know if that is possible. You need many more books."

"Right." Tony said. "Maybe we should just get a new place."

"Tony, are you sure about this?"

"What isn't there to be sure about?" Tony asked hugging her waist. "I love you. And to be honest I always kinda knew I would end up living with you."

"Really? Why?" She asked hugging him back.

He held in his breath letting the answer out with his breath. "Fate?"

They both laughed. "Your turn to call." He said holding up her cell phone.

"Yes, Gibbs?.... I need the day off... Personal reasons.... Yes... I will.... Thank you."

"What? Just like that?" He asked shocked.

"How often do you try to get out of work?"

"When I'm at work? All the time." He smiled. "Let's get ready. You can borrow some of my clothes."


"That everything?" Tony asked grabbing the last of the boxes.

Ziva scanned the appartment. Her old one. She had no idea how many things she had managed to accumulate. It looked almost bare now, only his things and some things that she didn't care to take with her were left. "Yes. Let us go." She said turning.

"You sure about this?" He asked after she closed the door.

"I do not have to move in with you if you wish, but I will not stay there." She said grabbing two of the last four boxes. Tony picked up the last two.

"Whatever you say sweet cheeks. But you are gonna move in with me." He said next to her.

"And why should I?" She asked coly.

"Well, other than me loving you and being the best place, I'll always have beer in the fridge, close to work, I'm there, uhh sometimes I make dinner." Tony finished putting the boxes in the car.

"You make quite a salesman Tony. Maybe you should have sold real-estate instead of being in NCIS." Ziva said smiling getting into the passengers seat.


"Over a bit more." Tony said as Ziva stood on her tippy toes trying to find out where to hang a photo of both of them in Paris.

"Here?" Ziva asked strained.

"No, the other way." Tony said smiling. He had gotten away with this for a good mineute.

"Here?" She asked balancing on one foot.

"Ummm no no, go back again."

"Tony!" Ziva yelled turning around.

"Two minuets." He said laughing.

She grabbed the pillow off the couch and threw it at him.

"Hey, I could have lost an eye." He said jokingly. He walked over to her and threw her over his shoulder. "Let's-"

"Ow, Tony, Tony, put me down!" Ziv yelled hitting his back.

"Sorry, sorry. Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked terrified putting her down on the couch.

She hissed in pain as she felt her ribs. "No, you did not." She lifted her shirt up slightly so that it was just below her bra. There were deep, dark and large bruises all over her ribs and a large one in the center of her stomach.

"God, Ziva. What did he do to you?" Tony asked sadly. His fingers hovered over one of her bruises, she pulled away.

"It is nothing. A few ribs got broken last month." She said putting down her shirt.


"I am fine Tony. I went to Ducky. They should be healed soon. I forgot about them actually."

"Ducky knows?" Tony asked.

"No. It was around when we had that warehouse case when I fell down the stairs. I told him that was the cause." Ziva looked down.

"I'm so sorry." Tony said taking her hand.

"Do not be. I was the one that bought him whiskey-"

"No, I'm sorry that I didn't notice. I should have. I'm your partner, and your best friend. I should have known." He shook his head.

"No, Tony, no. This is not your fault. It is mine. I... I let him hit me. I stayed." She put a hand on his face.

"Can't it just be his fault?" Tony asked smiling.

Ziva laughed lightly. "Alright. It is his fault. And alcohol."

"Deal. But I swear if I see him again-"

"You will not." She smiled. "But if you do. I will give you five free minutes before it it is my turn."

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