Drunk Part 1

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"Please, please, please," Abby whined standing in the squad-room.

"No, Abby." Ziva said again doing her work.

"Ah come on Ziva. It's one drink and we are all going."  Tony said.

"I'm not." Gibbs said walking into the squad-room. "Time to go home." He grabbed his stuff and was the first out.

"Ziva, please. You go drinking with me all the time." Abby begged again.

"Yes, Abby I do, but those times are under different circumstances." Ziva said lowly.

"Is it cause we're going?" McGee asked. They all went around her desk surrounding her.

"Are you a sloppy drunk?" Tony asked.

"Oh no way. Ziva is one of the craziest people I have hung out with I mean we've broken laws before,"

"Abby stop." Ziva begged.

"She has picked up random people, man and female, and left with more than one person," Tony and McGees eyes got wide.

"Abby I beg you please." Ziva said turning red.

"She gets really slutty and reckless and funny as hell! She has even been black out before, now that's a Ziva to see one time last week we-"

"ALRIGHT, I will go. Just stop talking." Ziva yelled.

"Good." Abby smiled. "We'll ride together in a cab. I'm going to grab my stuff. Tony call one and we'll all meet out front." Abby smiled and left with McGee to grab her stuff. Tony called a cab then the met Ziva in the front. It was just them. McGee and Abby were taking too long.

"So," Tony said coming up behind her making her jump. "What are you so jumpy about?"

"Nothing." She snapped.

"Mmmhhhmmm. So how much you gonna drink?" Tony asked. Ziva rolled her eyes. "Okay let's make a deal."

"What kind?" Ziva asked interested.

"Every time one of us has a drink the other has to have a drink too." Tony smiled.

She narrowed her eyebrows. "And what will happen when you pass out first?"

"You can draw on me?"

"Pff, I will do that no matter what."

"Alright, you can have me do any one thing that you want. No matter what it is I will do it. And when you pass out first, you have to do anything that I say. Deal?" Tony asked holding out his hand.

"Deal." Ziva said shaking it. "Will it need to be the same drink?"

"Yes. We can take turns choosing." He said shrugging.

"Alright but I am choosing first." She said as the taxi came up.

"Yay, let's do this!" Abby said running out of the building dragging McGee with her.


"Ok, we got a booth in the corner and no car keys. Phones have new hard passwords. Let's start this night!" Abby yelled as the waitress came near.

"What'll it be?"

"Martini for me and a Margarita for the goth." McGee ordered.

"Two Long Island Ice Teas. Heavy on the vodka, I have much to forget." Ziva smiled.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Tony asked.

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