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It had been almost a month on desk duty and it was driving  all of them, but Ziva, crazy. You let one tiny federal building blow up and you get you and your team benched. It's not like anyone died, and the most serious injury was Tony's concussion from Ziva tackling him to shield him from the blast.

They managed to finish most of their paper work in a few weeks now they were just boarded. After all, there were only so many ways McGee could fix the computers and only so many things Tony could superglue McGee to. Ziva, however was taking it like it was nothing. Normally she would be bouncing off the walls and trying to kill someone. She was her normal self, only a bit more quite.

"Zee-vah," Tony sang out. He had been board out of his mind and something caught his eye.

"What do you want Tony?" Ziva asked not looking up from her computer.

"To know why you have glitter on your chest and in your hair." He said. McGee jumped on the chance to not be picked on and Gibbs was no where near her to save her.

"Have you been staring at my chest this whole time?" She asked covering herself up.

He shrugged. "I like sparkles, I like boobs. I don't see why your surprised by this." She groaned and got back to work. "WHAT I am surprised about is that you are covered in glitter. You hate glitter."

"I... Got a new perfume. It was a gift and I did not know it had glitter in it." Ziva said quickly.

McGee and Tony looked at each other. They stood up and stood so she was between them, inhaling deeply. "You smell anything McSniff?"

"Little bit of alcohol."

"Me too, McGoo. Me. Too." He leaned close to Ziva and she glared at him. "Sweat? Shame? Alcohol? What perfume is that?"

"It is a Britney Spears, not go away." Ziva said with gritted teeth.

"David. You should have left by now." Vance called from the landing on the stairs.

"I am going now." She said standing up and leaving before the boys could say anything or ask where she was going.

They sat back down and found ways to entertain themselves. A few hours later Palmer came up.

"Hey guys." He said shakily.

"What do you want Gremlin?" Tony asked leaning back in his chair.

"Well, I didn't really get a bachelors party sooooo I was wondering if we could go out tonight?" He said very nervous. It had taken him weeks to come up with the courage to ask and he was about ready to die of fear.

"Sure." Tony and McGee said together. It wasn't like they had anything better to do.

"What do you want to do?" Tim asked.

"Well, I wanted to get a little wild after what I heard from Breena's party, oh but not too wild. I am married. So, uh, Tony, do you know a good strip club?"

"Uh huh," Tony said already plotting the night. "I think I know just the one for you. Tell you what. We get out for the day in about an hour..."

"We go home get ready and wait for you and a cab?" McGee finished. This wasn't their first night out together, McGee knew the drill.

"Sounds great!" Palmer said happily going back down.

Once Gibbs let them go they all went home to get ready. Tony called a cab and picked everyone up.

"So, why couldn't we drive ourselfs?" Palmer asked from the front seat.

"Because, tomorrow we have work. And we can't leave our cars at the club." McGee answered from behind the drivers back.

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