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It had been a long month for Ziva. First she fell down two flights of stairs, well no, she didn't fall, she was pushed, by a suspect. A guilty fucking suspect. So she broke a rib, or two... Okay three. She broke three. And the only people who knew were Gibbs and Ducky. So he was giving her as many desk jobs as he could. She was at her wits end with paperwork and reports. And to add to she shit mound that was her month she got stood up. Twice. Yes this was a bad month for our Ziva David, a tough one for her indeed. She also had Tony constantly pestering trying to make her feel better and asking her what was wrong.

But what Ziva didn't know was that it had been a bad month for Tony as well. At the start of the month his car got stolen, again, and crashed, again. So he had to bum rides to work from Ziva, McGee and even Abby and Gibbs. Ziva was always in a bad mood this month making her driving even worse and Abby drove a hearse. Gibbs wasn't bad to get a ride from as long as Tony didn't mind having to wake up before he even had a chance to sleep. No, the lesser of the evils was McGoo. He drove well enough, too slow if you asked Tony, but he was normally in a good mood. Even though he never let Tony chose the music. To add to that he got stood up. Three times. And slapped... Five times. No it was not a good month for him. He saw it wasn't for Ziva either so he tried to cheer her up and mess with her. But that was the opposite of helpful. He had to take all paper clips off her desk when she went to the bathroom just to ensure his safety.

Today was the start of the last full week in this month, and McGee, wanting to stop fearing for his life, got everyone a newspaper. Ziva looked it over trying to avoid working on papers. Finally she got to the personal adds.

If you like dry Martinits and watching movies at home
If you like self defense, if you have half a brain,
If you like making love at midnight, where ever we damn well please,
I'm the love that you've looked for, write to me and escape.

Well, Ziva did like those things, she liked them a lot. And it had been a bad month for her. She could stand to meet someone who liked things she did. But what if he was a murder who was going to kidnap, rape and kill her? She had seen it happen before. Or worse, what if she got stood up again? Oh well, it was worth the risk. If he was a murder she was a skilled fighter and would have her phone. If she got stood up she would go to Gibbs basement get drunk and maybe cry. So she started writing to the newspaper.

Tony was more than a bit nervous. He had been very drunk when he wrote that personal ad and he didn't even think it would get published. But there it was, in black and white, for the whole world to see. Great.

The next day McGee got everyone paper again, seeing as last time it seemed to help at least keep everyone quite. Tony went straight to the personal ads to see if anyone had written him back. He expected no one to pay it mind, but someone did.

Yes, I like dry Martinis, and watching movies at home,
I am not into assault weapons, I have many knifes,
I have got to meet you by tomorrow night, cut through all these silly rules,
At a bar called O'Malley's where we shall plan our escape.

Well, damn. He had not expected that. He had to meet her. But what if it was a killer who would kidnap and tourtre him for information about God knows what. Wait, what if it was worse, what if it was a guy! Could he take that risk? Yes. For her he would. Well, hopefully her. The title was "Wear Black' so he would. He would go home, get a black tie and go meet her. God, fingers crossed it was a her.

She had done it. She had sent it out, and now she feared. Stupid fears really, what if he was cruel, what if he was stupid or ugly what if he didn't see the article or what if he was a she? She thought about backing out, she really did. But then Tony threw something at her, that she caught, but catching it made a rib hurt. She winced and threw it back to him. Yes, yes she was going to go.

Once Gibbs dismissed them Ziva and Tony shot out of there like bats out of hell. Which worked for Ziva so she had time to get her black dress from the cleaners and get ready, but not for Tony who had to wait for McGee then beg him for a ride to the bar.

Ziva was the first to arrive. She wore a simple cocktail dress and sipped a Martini at the bar while she watched the door. Finally after ten minutes of watching it she turned around to the bar to wait.

Tony was finally dropped off by McGee, ten minuets late thanks to his driving, and walked in to see a breath taking girl, thank God, sitting at the bar. He took a breath and went up behind her.

"Shall we plan our escape?" He asked.

She turned around smiling. When they saw who the other was they were shocked for a moment then burst into laughter.

"It is you." Ziva laughed. "I should have known."

Tony sat at the bar and ordered a drink he took her hand in his. "I never knew." He said stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "That you liked watching movies at home."

"Yes." She said with a dreamy smile. "I even like to cuddle on occasion."

"You know, maybe this month isn't so bad." Tony said leaning in.

"Mine is certainly looking up. But I think next month will be the one to beat." She said leaning and kissing him.

So their month from hell ended on a positive note when they cut through all those silly rules.

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