Her Favorite Story

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"Cutting NCIS out of my life had been surprisingly easy. At least in the sense that I rarely heard from them. Of course I missed them to death and often cried for the loss I had forced on myself. Cutting Tony out had been just as impossible as I suspected. The minuet I though his plane had landed I started to message him.

Z: Did you land alright? I know. Not the best thing I could have come up, especially after the amazing few day we had spent together. But I never was good with words... Or feelings.

T: good. Lonely. Idk how I'm going to go back to wrk empty handed.

Z: I am sorry Tony. Again, not the greatest thing I could come up with.

T: have u thought any more about what you will do?

Z: yes, actually, I have some money saved up and it turns out my father left me some as well. And when I add in the money Mossad is giving me for Abba's death. I am, as you would say, set. So I'm going to travel.

T: really? Where? And u need 2 wrk on ur txt talk.

Z: I have no idea. And you need to work on texting like a normal person. You spell as bad as you speak. XD

T: watch it David. Or I'll get worse. I have to go to wrk now :/ change ur mind on coming back????

Z: no, Tony, I have not. May we, maybe, keep texting? I know, it was stupid to ask. But I feared he was angry at me.

T: if we don't I'll have to find you again. Ttyl, Zi.

So, we texted just like that for over two years. Every birthday we would get a phone call from the other. Everyplace I went I took pictures and shared them with him. I never got anything from the rest of the team. Abby and McGee must have thought they needed to leave me alone. It both made me happy and annoyed. I was happy that they respected that I needed space, because I really did need it and it really did help. But I was annoyed that they never even tried. Gibbs did. Every birthday I got a text and a present, no matter where I was. I suspected that they were tracking me, or him at least.

I enjoyed my travels. I went to Turkey, Spain, Greece, Italy, Scotland, Britain, Ireland, Berlin, Paris, anywhere I wanted to go. I spent my time messaging Tony and we sent each other pictures often. But after a while something changed. I healed. I didn't feel broken anymore. I was no longer a killer. Well, not as much. People did try to mug me once or twice, however they greatly regretted it. I danced. That was the best part. And to add to it all I still had quit a large amount of money left.

After two years being me, by myself, I was ready to go back. It was both hard and easy to decide that. It was hard because I did not know what to expect when I went back. How would they react? What would Abby do? What would Gibbs do? But it was also easy because I knew that Tony would be happy to have me back.

So I bought the ticket and got on the plane from Paris to Washington. My phone died on the fight and by the time I charged it at my hotel the next morning I had ten voice mails and twenty three text messages all from Tony. They all consisted of him saying my name many times and asking if I was okay and wondering where I was. Many times he threatened to come find me. Finally I texted him back.

Z: My phone died on the plane. I am fine. I was also a surprise.

T: I thought the worst. Awe, he is so caring. Where are you now?

D: Canada. I am not a very good lier any more. And you?

T: on way to interview someone. :/ Gibbs has me and McGoo doing cold cases.

Z: shame. I will message you later. Someone is trying to give me maple syrup.

I know, I know. But I was his surprise. So I got dressed and went to NCIS. The squad-room was empty except for some blonde at my old desk. I ignored her and sat down at Tony's. I started to go threw his desk. I found my necklace and a picture of a young him. I smiled and put my necklace back on.

"Umm, excuse me?"

I looked up a her. Tony had told me about her. Ellie... Bishop? "Yes. You are excused." I decided to mess with her, cruel but fun.

"What? No, no. Who are you?"

"I am you." I smirked. "Well, I was you." She was bewildered. I smirked. "Is Gibbs in Abby's lab?"

"Umm... Yea?"

"Thank you." I stood up and made my way there. I stood in the door way while Abby talked and Gibbs listened. Abby had a picture of me and her hanging on her wall some feet in the room so I walked in and looked at it. "I always have loved this picture." I said. That got their attention. They whipped around to me quite shocked to see me. Abby was the first to move. She tackled me into the wall with a hug. When she let go Gibbs hugged me. We talked a bit then went back upstairs together. Gibbs sat at his desk and I at Tony's. Abby leaned on McGees.

"Ok, who is she?" Ellie asked.

"Ziva David." I said smirking as her eyes got wide. The elevator dinged and I got up. "Say a word and I will kill you with a paperclip." I hurried behind Tony's divider.

He came in and sat down talking with McGee. I slipped out my phone and sent him a picture I had taken earlier. A selfie of me in the elevator. I heard his phone ding then he shot up. He stood just in front of the divider waiting for the elevator. I took a picture of him from behind and sent it. His phone dinged and he whipped around. I charged him.

I jumped and caught him. My legs were wrapped around him as well as my arms and he held me up. He set me down and looked at me.

"I thought you were in Canada." He said awestruck.

"If Canada is the hotel near your apartment then yes. I was." I smiled. He kissed me and I him.

Later he told me that he never told anyone that he messaged me. They all thought he had a girlfriend. To be honest he kind of did. Or at least he did later on. Now, he has a wife and you my tateleh."

"What ya doing Zi,?" Tony asks coming in the nursery.

"Telling her her favorite story." Ziva smiles looking up him.

"The one of how you came back?"

"Yes. She loves that one."

"She's only one. She loves hearing your voice and seeing how happy you get when you say it."

"No. She loves it."

"What ever you say Sweet Cheeks. Love you." He leans in and kisses her.

"I love you too Tony." Ziva smiles.

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