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"Go get it."

"But Gibbs, it is in the middle of the pond." Ziva said with great despair. "And we did not bring any waders."

"It has blood on it. It's not that deep. Here's a rope now go get me my evidence!" He said walking away.

Ziva sighed and held onto the long rope looking out at the gross pond. It had a film of slime on the top and bugs, frogs and even a few snakes played all around it, and poor Ziva had just been ordered to go in and get a log that probably had no DNA on it.

"It's not that deep." Tony said now standing next to her looking at the bloody log in the middle of the pond. "You hold one end of the rope. I'll tie the other to my belt and go get it."

"Thank you Tony, but no. Just because we are dating does not mean I cannot do my own job. Beside, Gibbs would yell at us both. I must go." She said unhappily taking off her jacket and shoes.

"You sure? I don't mind."

"No. Just hold the rope and tell me if you see a snake near me." She said as he tied the rope around her waist. She pulled up her hair and started to wade in. She was up to her armpits by the time she got it. "Alright. I am coming back now."

"Ziva! Snake!" Tony yelled as it came to her side.

"Shit!" Ziva yelled leaning back to avoid it. She lost her footing on the slick mud and ended up falling backwards. The snake swam over where her head was as though nothing happened.

"Ziva?" Tony yelled when she didn't come back up right away. "Ziva?" He started to pull in the rope. She came up gasping for air near her the bank. "Ziva!" Tony yelled rushing to her as she crawled back up to the land panting for air.

She waved him off from helping. Her once white shirt was now tinted a greenish brown while it clung to her skin like her jeans. Her socks were now missing, stuck somewhere in the mud. Her hair had completely come undone. "Here is the damn log." She said throwing it him. She stood up. "I need a shower." Tony bagged the log and grabbed her shoes and jacket.

Ziva made to sit in the car. "Where you think you're going Ziver?" Gibbs asked blocking her.

"To sit in the car. We have all the evidence now." She said through gritted teeth.

"You're not ridding with us. You're soaking wet and smell like pond. You're riding with Ducky." Gibbs said and walked away.

She turned to walk to where she would get a ride all the while muttering in Hebrew. "I hate this damn place. In Mossad I would be the boss telling people to get in the damn pond. But nooooo I have to love NCIS more."

"Hey stinky," Tony said walking by her. "What ya doing? Cursing Gibbs in Hebrew? By the way I grabbed your stuff. I'll take it back."

"Whatever." She said walking past him.

She was the last to get back thanks to Plamers driving. She walked into the bullpen without any shoes on and still quite wet. Tony left her shoes near her chair and jacket folded on her desk. She fumed as she opened her drawer and took out her spare clothes and started to walk away.

"Where you going David?" Gibbs asked making her stop.

She slowly turned around to him with a look of pure suppressed rage. "I am going to take a shower and change. Why? Would you like to me go swimming in another filify pond first?"

Gibbs smiled at her anger. "Nope. Just wondering." He turned back to work and Ziva stomped out.

Tony couldn't remember why, but he thought that was a bad idea to let her go with those clothes. He remembered a few months earlier he needed to take a shower and Ziva had stolen his clothes, leaving him to run around NCIS with nothing but a towel. He laughed at the memorie until he remember why Ziva was going to kill him. A few days ago, to get revenge, he had stollen her panties and bra from her back up clothes, planing to spill coffee on her to make her have to change. So she would have to walk around all day with no panties or bra.

Oh shit, she was gonna kill him, especially in the mood that Gibbs had gladly put her in. Gibbs went down to Abby as Ziva came storming back into the room.

"Hey Ziv-" McGee was stopped by Ziva pointing at him to be silent.

She went to Tony, slamming her hands on his desk and leaning in with a full death glare. "Where. Are. They." She growled.

Tony gulped, so did McGee, who was watching the whole thing go down. "I have no idea what you are talking about."

She growled making deep groves with her nails on his desk. "My underware!" She yelled.

"You stole her underware?" McGee asked shocked.

"No!" Tony tried to defend.

"Where the fuck are they!" She yelled. This was bad, Ziva never cussed unless someone was going to die. McGee scooted further away.

"Alright alright. They're at home." Tony said standing up and going to grab her jacket. Her held it out to her.

"Why are you giving me this?" She asked confused and angry.

Tony looked down at her chest then back up. "It's uhh, little cold in here, Zi."


Gibbs was on the elevator back up to the office. He had two coffees, his own and one for Ziva. He knew he had been a little tough on her but that was only she broke rule 12 with DiNozzo. He expected this from DiNozzo but he thought she would know better. He decided, though, that he might have gone a bit far by making her go for a swim in the pond and then making her ride home with the dead body. Plus there was absolutely nothing on the log other than some red moss. He decided to get her a coffee, buy her lunch and hopefully come to a truce.

However, any idea of that happening was shot to hell when the elevator opened and he walked out to see a gruesome sight. McGee was trying to hold Ziva back while she yelled as many things as she could in every langue that she knew while she threw everything in hands reach at Tony who was dodging the projectiles and yelling apologies and promises.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?" Gibbs boomed making them all stop.


"But I got you a coffee." Gibbs said with a smile.

Ziva stormed back and grabbed it. "Thank you!" She yelled then left.

Gibbs laughed. "Looks like you'll be sleeping on the couch for a while." He said as everyone went back to their desks.

"Yeah, well, so will you when she tells Jenny what you did." Tony shot back picking things up.

Gibbs grimaced then went back to work.

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