Drunk Part 2

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"Never have I ever kissed a girl." Abby said. Tony, McGee and Ziva did a shot. Tony looked at Ziva.

"There is a story there that I need to hear."

"Before I came here I had many undercover ops." Ziva slurred. "And had many relationships."

"Never have I ever kissed a man." McGee said smiling at Tony as he did a shot.

"Now, that story I need." Ziva said laughing when she finished her shot.

"Undercover, David, undercover." Tony muttered.

"Never have I ever had a three way." Tony said. Abby and Ziva did a shot. McGee and Tony looked at them.

"Not a word." Abby said.

"Never have I ever had a stuffed animal pet." Ziva giggled.

"Zi, why are you laughing that's sad." Tony said shocked.

"If you cannot laugh you cry, and I do not plan on crying tonight." Ziva said.

"Can we please do a sobering round." McGee groaned with his head on the table.

Ziva propped up her elbow and leaned on it. "Shoot."

"Ummm never have I been raped." Abby said. Ziva groaned and did a shot.

"Zi..." Tony said not finishing it. No one knew what to say.

"Somalia... Somalia was a terrible time." She muttered. "Let us leave it at that. You go McGoo."

"Never have I ever... Uhh... Never have I lost count of how many I have killed?" He said hoping she wouldn't drink. Sadly she did.

Tony staired at her. He had a question he had been burning to ask her for sometime. Things just didn't add up in the reports. If he asked at any other time she would lie, now, maybe not. "Never have I ever killed my brother."

She gave him a steely gaze then he saw something in her eyes that changed. She looked down then did a shot.

"He was going to kill Gibbs. What was I to do? Gibbs has too much good left in this world to do. Ari... Ari was lost. Permently." She said with tears. She did another shot. "Now you know some reasons why I drink."

"Ziva, why didn't you tell me." Tony said trying to put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched and stood up. Taking money out of her pocket and putting it on the table.

"Thank you for having me out. I will be going to my home now. I will see you all on Monday." She started to stagger out of the bar.

"Normally she is a lot less depressed when we drink." Abby said.

"Do you push her like we did?" Tony shot out.

"N...no." Abby looked down. Tony got up and took some money from his wallet.

"See ya guys Monday." He said running out after Ziva. He found her sitting in an ally curled up in a ball crying into her knees. He called a cab and sat next to her. When the cab came he picked her up and put her in sitting next to her. He told the driver to go his house.

When they got their he sat her on the couch and gave her a coffee. "So," he said sitting next to her. "You wanna talk about it?" She shook her head no and layed her head in his lap. "You need to rest. Take the bed."

He took her to the bed and layed her down. "You know, you might feel better if you talk about it instead of drinking it."

"Alright Tony." She had no fight left so she proceeded to tell him all of what happened in her childhood, Mossad, Somalia, and her brother. By the time she finished it was dawn. Both of them were laying in bed tired. Ziva was curled into Tony with tears going down her face. Tony had tears as well for what had happened to her was some of the worst things he had ever heard.

"I got you now. You are safe with me. You don't have to drink anymore you have me." He said giving her a hard hug.

"I have been so alone for so long." She said whipping her tears.

"Well, now your aren't. Now you have me." Tony said and kissed her head. "Now go to sleep."

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