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Ziva was the last one to walk onto the crime scene that day and she did so with a large smile. Last night had been her and Tony's one year anniversary and things got a bit, fun. He had surprised her with handcuffs and a blind fold which she admitted she was a bit nervous about at the start. She had had some bad experiences in the past but Tony had made her forget all of those, and once she had, multiple times, she gave her present to him. Their rough and unbelievably fun night did leave some marks. Ziva had hickies all over her back, neck, breast, stomach, and thighs. As well as cuts in her wrist from pulling too hard on the handcuffs. Tony had used their own real ones and not some with padding, which he apologized for many times. Ziva managed get her revenge though, Tony would not be leaning back on anything for quite some time with the scratch marks she had given him.

"Morning Zi-va." Tony said smiling at her. "Sleep well?"

"Very." She answer with a smirk. "And you?"

"Oh, best sleep I've had for some time."

"Hey, we got a dead Marine, stop trying to play grab ass and do your jobs." Gibbs yelled to them from where he was standing with Ducky and the body.

They worked the rest of the day as they normally would, actually better. They actually got work done when they weren't "trying to play grab ass". Ziva kept her collar up and sleeves down while Tony walked and sat with a stiff back. They had almost solved the case, a record one day, down in Abby's lab when Abby finally noticed. She made sure to point it out to the entire team.

"You see that 's' and that 's' are the same." Ziva said pointing at the screen. When she pointed her sleeve went up revealing her wrists. Abby, being Abby, noticed and grabbed her forearm to look at them.

"Ziva are you all right? What happened?!" She cried getting Gibbs, Tony and McGee's attention.

Ziva pulled pack her arm. "I am fine." She said awkwardly smiling.

"No you're not." Abby resisted, grabbing her arm again and pulling up the sleeve. "Dear god. Did you do this? Take off your jacket."

"What? No." Ziva said again pulling her arm back.

"Do it. I need to make sure there are no other cut marks." Abby answered.

"What? I did not do this to myself." Ziva yelled.

"Ziva take off the jacket." Gibbs ordered gently.

Ziva looked to Tony unsure what to do. He nodded and she took it off, reveling her bare, but slightly scared, arms. "There you see, nothing." Sadly she forgot about all the hickies on her neck and collar bone. She remembered when Abby gasped.

"Ziva," she said going to examiner her. "Who did this to you?"

"No one. No one did this to me." She said defensively. Abby was circling her. Ziva's shirt was up in the back from the jacket, Abby lifted it up to see her bare back with more marks.

"Abby what the hell!" Ziva yelled to no avail.

"They're every where!" Abby yelled making a circle around her lifting up her shirt as she went.

"Abby stop!" Ziva yelled batting her hands a way and pulling her shirt down. Abby moved fast and looked down her shirt to see if their were more. "God damnit Abby!" Ziva yelled grabbing her jacket and putting it on.

"They're on her chest too. Everywhere. They're everywhere." Abby said sadly with disbelieve.

"Who is the bastard that did that do you?" Gibbs asked with a clam anger.

"What? What do you mean?" Ziva ask confused and embarrassed.

"Who gave you those bruises and cuts?" McGee finally spoke up. Tony's face was that of shock and fear.

"No. One." Ziva said again, she turned to the screen. "We need to get back to the case."

"The guy got drunk and killed himself." Abby said glaring at her.

"Case closed." McGee said.

"Who. Did. This. To. You." Gibbs asked again.

Ziva looked to Tony who shrugged. What a help he was. "Alright, alright. It was my... My boyfriend."

Now Tony looked really worried now, but also intrigued on how this would end.

"You have a boyfriend?" Abby asked hurt that she didn't know.

"He beats you?" Gibbs asked even angrier than before.

"What? No, no that is not what..." She sighed. "Last night was our one year anniversary."

"So he beat you? What a gift." McGee answered.

"What! No, that is not what happened!" Ziva yelled back. Suddenly Abby was beginning to understand but she let Ziva stutter a bit as revenge for keeping this from her. "It was a special night, so we.... We celebrated and it got... A bit... Rough."

"Did he get drunk and hit you? I swear to god I will kill him." Gibbs said with rage.

"No, no. He... Well. It was a surprise. He got some handcuffs.... And a blindfold... And... and... we... we broke my bed." Ziva stutter blushing the hardest she ever had.

"So, those aren't bruises?" McGee asked.

"Oh ho ho no McLonely. Those are what we professionals call hickies." Tony said with a smile. Ziva glared at him.

"Wow." Abby said with a smile. "Wow."

"Yes. But now as a result he can not put his back against anything so it was an even trade." Ziva grinned blushing.

"Wow." Abby said again. "I'm so happy for you! When do we get to meet him! What's he like?"

"I need more coffee." Gibbs said leaving.

"So?" Abby asked. The three of them looked at her.

"Heeeee is very nice. I love him very much. Although many times a day annoys me." Ziva said shooting a look at Tony.

"Why didn't you tell us about him?" McGee asked.

"When do we get to meet him?" Abby added.

"We like to keep our relationship private, and you will meet him some day soon I suspect." Ziva answered.

"Come on Zi, we should get back to work." Tony said offering an out, even though he knew he would be sleeping on the couch tonight.

"What? No. We want to hear more!" Abby whined.

"I will tell you much more later," Ziva smiled as Tony led her her out. When they were near the door she smacked Tony hard in the back.

He hissed with pain and muttered "Damn Ziva, you're gonna make me bleed again."

He, however, didn't mutter quite enough and as they walked out Abby and McGee stood with their mouths hanging open.

"Oh I'm so black mailing them." McGee said in awe.

"Me, too." Abby said with a devious smile.

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