There Part 3

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Tony and Ziva walked into work the following Monday together. Gibbs and McGee were already at their desks when they came in. Ziva and Tony were giggling to eachother Tony was leaning on her while they walked making her have to lean on him to keep a straight line. 

"Feeling better Dinozzo?" Gibbs asked making them stop thier joking around.

"Much better Boss, thanks again. Sorry I had to leave you McGee with all the work."

Gibbs looked at him for a second. "You okay, Ziva?" He asked looking at her face.

"Uh, yes Gibbs. Thank you. I actually broke it off with Ray." She said sitting down.

"That sucks why?" McGee asked.

"Trust me. It doesn't suck." Tony said with gritted teeth.

"Whys that Dinozzo?" Gibbs asked.

"Because it was for the best." Ziva spoke up.

"Do you need a place to stay? I'm sure Abby would love having you." McGee said.

"Thank you McGee, but someone is already loving having me." Ziva said before she realized how it sounded. Tony burst into a giggle fit. "Shut up Dinozzo."

"Ziva-" Someone behind grabbed her shoulder. She flinched then went into ninja mode. She snaked her arm around his pulling it behind his back and slamming him onto her desk, without thinking she pulled out her gun and put the barrel on the back of his head. Her adrenaline was high.

"David!" Gibbs yelled standing up. McGee stood up without a sound putting a hand on his gun. Tony bolted out of his desk and grabbed her gun away. She still had the person pinned, but her grip did loosen.

"Zi, let go of Dorneget. I know he can be annoying, but he comes in handy." Tony said slowly.

Ziva's face relaxed and she let him up. "I... I am sorry Dorneget."

"Uh, it's okay. It was probably my fault. Here's that file you wanted." He said putting it on the desk. "I uhh think that I'll go back downstairs." He said scurrying away.

Ziva fixed her hair and shirt. "Thank you Tony." She mumbled taking her gun.

"You alright David?" Gibbs asked as McGee sat down. Tony stayed by Ziva.

"Yes. I am fine, I just thought that it was... Someone else." She said putting her gun back on her hip.

"I told you, I won't let him get to you."  Tony said.

"Let who get you, Ziva?" McGee asked.

"Is this something we should know about?" Gibbs asked still standing.

"Nothing, it is fine. I am fine." Ziva snapped at them.

"Zi..." Tony said rubbing her upper arm.

"Is this about why your lip is split and why you have a black eye?" Gibbs asked gently.

"No. That was a spare that went to far." She snapped again.

"Zi, please." Tony pleaded.

"Love Dove!"

Ziva spun around to the elevator seeing Ray coming out of it. Tony grew a few inches taller while Ziva sank into herself.

"Ray..." She said sadly.

"Love Dove, what happened? I went home and all your stuff was gone. You okay love?" He said walking near the squad space. Tony stood between him and Ziva.

"I think you should go now Ray. Ziva doesn't really want to see you right now." Tony said puffing out his chest.

"Last time I checked you don't talk for her. I do." Ray said puffing out his chest.

"Well, as of Friday night, when I last checked. She spoke for herself." Tony countered.

Ray turned to her. "Oh, so that's where you went. I should have known." Ziva took a step back. "Then I'm guessing that she told you I did all that." He said motioning to her face. "It was her own damn fault."

"If you don't remember, I said to get out." Tony said getting back in-between them again. Ray went to grab Ziva's arm. Tony pulled out his gun and out the barrel on his shoulder.

"Go ahead and touch her. See how long you last after it." Tony said threw gritted teeth. Gibbs and McGee stood up putting their hands on their guns.

"Really? You are gonna threaten me in a goverment building, full of witnesses, and possibly loose your job, for her?" Ray said laughing.

"Gibbs, McGee, you see any of this?" Tony asked.

"See what Dinozzo?" Gibbs asked sitting down.

"I sure don't." McGee answered.

"This is ridiculous, come on Ziva." He said grabbing her arm. Before Tony could pull the trigger Ziva stepped forward sending a punch square to Ray's nose sending him stumbling backwards.

"Sorry Tony, your five mineutes were up." She said shaking her hand. Tony grinned.

"You bitch!" Ray shouted holding his nose. "You're in for it tonight."

"No. I am going home to safe place. Because unlike you, Tony loves me and would never hurt me." She said stepping to Tony's side. "Now. I believe Tony said that you should leave."

Ray stood there for a second weighing his options and thinking about what he should do. Before he had a chance Gibbs stood up and went to their side followed by McGee.

"I believe my daughter said for you to leave." Gibbs said crossing his arms.

"What the hell ever. If you guys want the whore she's yours." He said turning to leave. Before the elevator door closed Gibbs slid in. After a few minutes he came back shaking his hand.

"He won't bother you anymore Ziver." Gibbs said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you Gibbs."

He leaned over to her. "My basement is open for whenever you wanna talk about it." He kissed her cheek and went back to his desk.

"Thank you Tony, McGee." She said walking back to her desk.

"David, Dinozzo. Keep it out of the workplace."

"Yes boss." Tony said sitting down.

"Thank you Abba." Ziva said smiling at him.

They all smiled as they went back to work.

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