Ch. 20 First Comes Love, Then Comes...

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Vance's Office
"I don't care who he is or what he wants, she's going nowhere!" Gibbs yelled at Vance. A few months prior Gibbs had ordered McGee and Abby to keep tabs on Ziva's father, Director Eli David. Last night Abby had a ping on her computer showing that he had boarded a plane on its way to Washington, he would be there within the hour.

To add to worry Ziva had no idea, Vance, however, knew well about it. The Director had called him earlier and told him that he was on his way to "bring his daughter home".

The four had been in his office since then. Abby and McGee sat in the chairs in front of Leon's desk while Gibbs paced behind them yelling at Vance who sat at his desk.

"Unless she chooses to go we won't let him take her." Vance affirmed for the twentieth time.

"But she wouldn't. R-right? She wouldn't go. She's happy here. Right Gibbs?" Abby asked.

Gibbs paced for a few seconds before he answered. "Of course. She has us." Gibbs said pacing more.

"Director Vance," his secretary called in. "Director David is downstairs." Everyone stood up and followed Gibbs and Vance to the upstairs elevator. While they walked they saw Ziva sitting on Tony's desk while he leaned in.

Tony and Ziva were the only ones at their desks for the past hours. Gibbs desk had no coffee. McGees computer wasn't on. Abby wasn't even in her lab. Something strange was going on. They were worried but decided to give it a few more hours.

Tony giggled at something on his computer.

"What are you laughing at Tony?" Ziva asked bored from doing nothing.

"I'm coming up with new ways to mess with McGeek," Tony said smiling.

Ziva got up and went to sit on his desk. "What have you planned so far?"

"Well, first I bought more superglue." He leaned back to look at her.

She laughed lightly. "Very good. What are you planning on sticking him to this time?"

"Vending machine," Tony smiled. "What else should we do?"

"I was thinking that we put his number around the town and have people constantly pester him trying to buy adorable puppies from him and other random things as well." She said happily.

Tony stood up and put his hands on either side of her. "You, are perfect."

They looked up to see Gibbs, Vance, Abby and McGee walking upstairs over the elevator. "What do you think they are up too?" Ziva asked.

"No clue. But until they call for us, we stay put." Tony said not moving.

"Well then, what can we possible do to make time?" Ziva asked leaning in and grabbing his tie.

"It's 'kill time', Zi, kill time, but if you wanna make time I'm down for that too." He smiled leaning in.

"I have killed many things, time is not one of them," Ziva said pushing him back.

Tony stood up and smiled. "Well, what do you want to do then?"

She shrugged and leaned back on the desk. "I do not know. Do you wish to go to the gym? You can practice your weight lifting. I know you complain of that often."

"Hey, I can lift. I can lift anything." Tony said puffing out his chest.

"Oh really? That is not what McGee says." Ziva said crossing her arms with her challenge.

"Oh I can lift. I could even lift you!" He said walking closer to her.

"Oh really?" She said sarcastically.

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