Temptation Part 2

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"Boss, that was Ziva," McGee said for the fifth time. 

"No, McGee. That was Zandra Davidson." Gibbs said for the sixth time.

"Well, that certainly looked like Ziva." Abby pointed out.

"Certainly felt like her," Tony muttered. Every turned to him. "What?"

"You know what it feels like when Ziva sits on your lap?" Abby said smirking making Gibbs roll his eyes.

"Well, it was, I was, we were. Hey. It was a goodbye." Tony sputtered.

"Shalom." Ziva said walking up to the platform. "My partner and I wished to come up here to thank you all for being such good, uhh, athletes, with my song." She said. Her accent was much thicker than before.

Mat, who was holding her close to him with his arm around her waist smiled, "I believe the Amerians say, sport, not 'athlete'."

"Pfft." She waved her hand and rolled her eyes taking a drink that a bartender had brought her. "Thank you Maria."

"As a thank you, you all have one free round, on the house." Mat smiled. "Now, if you do to mind, I am needed elsewhere." He leaned over and kiss her on the cheek making her take a long sip of her drink.

"So, Zand-ra." Tony said leaning on the table. "Great performance."

"Thank you," She said smiling back. "Maria, a chair?"

Maria walked over with a chair and Ziva took it. She sat it horizontal to the table and sat down so she was facing Tony and across from Gibbs. She crossed her legs putting the bare one on top. "So, I should take it you got my letters." She said to the table taking a sip.

"What letters, Zandra?" Gibbs asked.

"You do not have them? I sent you all one once a week." She said sitting up. "Mat," she muttered taking another sip.

"So you and Mat?" Tony asked.

"Although I do like it when you are jealous, Tony, now it not the time." She smiled. "If you did not get my letters, why are you all here? Couldn't live without me?" She asked Tony.

"Well there is that, also a dead Marine," Tony said back.

"Yes, I know. Mat killed him. He is in with a terriost cell, as I said in my letters, if you ever got them." She had another sip. From behind Abby had started to pet Ziva's back and hair. "Abby, will you stop it?" She asked turning.

"I'm sorry, Ziva, I just missed you so much," Abby said near tears.

"Zandra, Zandra Davidson, and I missed you as well. All of you. So very much." She said downing the rest of her drink. Maria came and gave her another.

"Zi- Zandra, you don't drink," McGee said shocked.

"No, Ziva, the murderer and killer of her family and all she loved, does not drink. Zandra Davidson, is an experienced alcoholic with her two year patch." She said smiling.

"Davidson, that's all you could come up with?" Tony asked.

"What, should it have been DiNozzo?" She asked.

"Well, I did offer that before I left." He shot back.

"What?" Abby squealed.

"Nothing," Tony said.

"Yes, Abby. Nothing but past opportunities that got turned down to fast." Ziva smiled. "I should get going. My manager does not like it when I stay at one table too long." She made to get up.

"Well since you practically gave this table a lap dance, maybe he would understand," Tony said. Another act came on and couples began to go to the dance floor.

She shook her head. "I need this job. You can arrest Matt back stage. The doors on the right. Come see me before you all leave."

"Dance with me," Tony said shooting up.


"Berlin," He said. Ziva was shocked.

"Tony I-"

"Paris." He smiled. So did she.

"Alright." She downed the last half of her drink and stood to dance with him. He led her out to the dance floor.

"You have gotten much better at dancing," She said smiling.

"No, I've always been this good. But before I had to worry about where my hands were." He smiled.

"Tony, you are grabbing my butt," She said smiling.

"So stop me." He grinned back. "So when you start drinking?"

"Hmmm, how long have I been gone?" She asked laughing.

"Seems like forever." He staring back at her.

She swallowed. "So, how long will all of you be staying?"

"Day, maybe two. Why wanna spend some time with us?"

"Perhaps. I believe that if I do not hug Abby she will explode." She said glancing at the table where they all sat staring.

"I'm surprised she hasn't attached to you yet." He laughed.

"Are there clubs like this in D.C?" She asked staring at the team.

"Uhh, yeah actually, think there's one a block or two from my apartment. McGee talks about it all the time." Tony answered.

"Then perhaps I should go back, get a job there." She shrugged. Tony stopped their dancing and looked at her.


"I have missed you. And the team. Besides, I am still a citizen of America. I could go back with you, and get a job and apartment." Ziva shrugged.

"Do you mean that? You want to come back?" Tony asked.

"Yes. I want to go back." She said looking him in the eye. Tony pulled her close and kissed her, hard at first then it softened. They could hear Abby squealing at the table followed by hitting sounds, which they assumed was her hitting McGee in excitement. They pulled back and smiled.

"Tony, you are still grabbing my butt."

"You still haven't stopped me."

They walked back to the table where Maria gave Ziva another drink. Tony grabbed it from her hand.

"Holy crap," he coughed. "That's vodka."

"Yes," she smiled taking it back and downing half of it. "But it is only my fifth of the night."

"How much do you normally have?" Plamer asked.

"On a good night, fifteen. On a bad" she shrugged. "I go until I pass out."

"Ziva," Ducky said sadly.

"What? I am fine. For tonight is a good night." She smiled and finished her drink. Maria came with another one.

Tony shook his head. "So, you get Mat yet?"

"Yup. Got him while you were playing grab ass, DiNozzo." Gibbs said.

"Good. Then when shall we go home?" Ziva asked.

"You're coming with us?" Abby asked.

"Yes. I have missed you too much, and no matter how much I drink that will not stop how alone I am with out all of you." She smiled. Abby jumped up and hugged her, almost making them both topple over.

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