A long trip

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Agathas POV
"So we have a vlog a video blog with everyone else to keep in touch"Sophie smiled turning hers on as her dad shut us off from him so he could concentrate
"So I press this...."I said tapping her phone
"Yep now everyone's on and we are accepted to video chat"Sophie smiled as about 10 boxes showed up two faces in each
"This is only some of them!"I yelled
"Uh-hu"Sophie smiled as the chat started up
---------in chat---------
"So has anyone met anyone else?"a boy asked
"There are two of us from each school I think"Sophie smiled
"Oh okay"a girl smiled
"Anyways nice to meet you I'm Sophie!"Sophie smiled
"Hello Sophie I'm Kiko who's that"a girl said pointing at me
"Agatha"I said as everyone started saying things
"Oh come on,if your nice at all you would notice how beautiful she is"kiko smiled
"I'm Tedros"a boy said
'I don't think I know him but I feel like it.....'I thought
"So Agatha how are you?"kiko beemed as another box showed up
"Hello everyone my name is Tristan"a boy said immediately kikos face brightened even more
"Wait what are everyone's names?"I asked
"Hester and this is dot also the girl next to Tristan is anadil"I girl snapped
"I'm hort"the boy next to kiko sighed
"Aric!"one of the boys next to Tedros said
"Chaddick"the other smiled
"So this is who we will be grouped with"Sophie smiled
"Kiko,hort,Tristan,dot,anadil,Hester,Aric,Chaddick and tedros...."I mumbled
"Well see you before we go to sleep at the hotels okay!"Sophie smiled
"Okay"they all said
"I need quality time with Aggie"Sophie laughed
"Bye!"Everyone said shutting down at the same time
----------end of chat--------
"That Tedros guy was cute!"Sophie smiled at me

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