Sophie, Cookies and Walks

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Agatha's POV
"Hey guys!"Sophie's voice echoed from my door as she knocked on it
I turned and Tedros kissed my cheek as I headed to the door opening it to Sophie who hugged me happily.
"What's going on at the Tagatha household?"She laughed
"We made cookies"Tedros said holding them up proudly
Sophie leaned up grabbing one and biting into it.
"Not too bad not too bad"She laughed
I grabbed one biting it as Tedros did setting the cookies away, it really wasn't too bad, maybe a little bit charred and a few off amounts of ingredients but for the first time she had actually cooked some it was actually pretty good.
"I think they're pretty good"Tedros smiled
"Lets go for a walk somewhere okay?"Sophie beamed grabbing onto Agatha's hand and dragging her out
Agatha grasped Tedros' shirt dragging him behind her until Sophie let go closing the door behind them and walking through the town.  Occasionally the townsfolk would look towards Agatha and Tedros, either judging them or totally fawning over how cute they looked together, arm in arm.
"Sophie! Been a while!"A voice called
"Go away Radly"Sophie scowled
The boy recoiled and ran. Tedros looked to me and hugged me to his side as my cheeks lit up.
"Awwww."Sophie cooed
"Sophie!"I yelped

Tedros' POV
"Sophie!"She yelled
I couldn't help but love her fully now, the way she acted, her blush and smile.....
I loved Agatha, the same as the other me did....worlds apart and we were still made to be together.
"I love you so much Aggie"
"I-I love you too Tedros..."She muttered looking to me with those pink cheeks
Those pink cheeks I wanted to see every day....

✔️ |Tedros X Agatha | Another Life | Tagatha AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon