Time has gone so fast

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Agatha's POV
I rubbed my eyes reaching to the buzzing phone as I pushed myself up to change.
-1 minute ago-
Tedros ❤️: 3
I got changed as it buzzed again, hearing quiet chatter in the house.
Tedros ❤️: 2
Reaper growled, as the floorboards outside creaked.
Aggie: if you wanted to be quiet you should have chose another house, idiot.
Tedros ❤️: 1
The door swung open and Tedros lifted me gently to the roof.
Tedros ❤️: your idiot
The phone slipped from my hands as my cheeks became warm and Tedros hugged me, my mother sat at the door chatting to who I assumed to be Tedros' mother, Reaper caught the phone as it buzzed again, causing my cat to growl sitting it down and preparing for attack.Tedros sat me down and I grabbed my phone before Reaper had the chance to somehow claw it apart.
Sophie 💞: May 3rd is your anniversary
The phone screen darkened.
"Nice to meet you Agatha, my names Guinevere."The woman held her hand out
I shook it gently,
"A pleasure to meet you too"I gulped
"See. Cute."Tedros laughed
His mother smiled and nodded.
"You should show Tedros around"Guinevere suggested
"Of course, see you later mum be back by dinner"I called as I yanked Tedros out
Sophie 💞: Hiya!
"Hiya!"Sophie greeted
I stumbled, "idiot"
Tedros laughed quietly as Sophie gestured around us.
"Welcome to Woodeyon"She chimed
The woods beyond we called it, we were in the centre of nowhere with not much escape, so it made more sense than Woodeyon- though the next town was an hours walk away it was still small.
"Where shall we be going first Aggie- OH I KNOW!"Sophie linked an arm through mine as she began running off through the town
People gasped and looked in confusion as the three of us ran linked like a chain, until we met familiar ground.Sophie gestured towards the sky.
"This is the place Agatha accepted me as a friend!"Sophie smiled
"'Accepted'"I laughed quietly
Sophie grinned and I noticed her long hair had been cut short and her usual pink clothes had become a light purple, her eyes sparkling like the gems they were compared to by the townsfolk.
The sun was rising still, sunrise misting away as memories flooded my mind.Tedros grasped my hand and squeezed it.
"Wanna tell me a story?"He smiled
Sophie beamed  happily.

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