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Tedros' POV
We had cooked cupcakes, cookies and other treats, only messing up half the kitchen with flour and pieces, Sophie and Agatha had went to the bathroom after me and I stood at the door waiting for everyone who would soon arrive!
There was a knock before I opened the door to face Chaddick, smiling like a happy idiot as he greeted me.
"Agatha and Sophie are in the lounge room"
He grinned wider walking off as Beatrix smiled with a small wave stepping onto the door frame her bag against her side.
"Thanks Tedros I can't wait to make friends with everyone"She smiled
Behind her Reena nodded with a quick smile, before dead-panning her face moments later.
"Their just in the lounge room"I smiled pointing behind me to the lounge room sitting near the entrance door
Kiko and Tristan seemed to be breathless as they reached the door silly smiles across their cheeks as they began to flush with the light red coloured their cheeks, puffing wildly.

Agatha's POV
Tedros gestured again and the exhausted couple laughed to eachother as they walked in, Aric gave him a hi-five and walked over hugging each of us. Dot, Anadil and Hester had shown up before, in the room without any notice where their bags now laid in a heap.Hort greeted Tedros kissing Sophie on the cheek and Tedros closed the door as he walked into the room.
"Let's get this sleepover started Ay girls?"He laughed looking to the boys

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