Stubornly Adorable In War |Lowkey Question that has nothing to do wit dis|

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Agatha's POV
By the time Aric surrendered the whole room and its inhabitants were a mess, we all pitched into cleaning and took turns showering, and happily only three hours later the room had returned to normal, it was around 4:30 now and everyone and everything was clean. Which meant-
"Can we return to Truth or Dare?"
"Nope you threw a cupcake"Tedros laughed
"Does that mean we have to play another deciding game?"Chaddick narrowed his eyes
"Yep! What do you guys wanna play?"Tedros asked
"Pictionary?"Sophie asked whilst perfecting her hair
"I think Cluedo?"Beatrix asked
"Cluedo would be cool"Hester said sitting back
"Vote?"I questioned Tedros
He nodded,
Kiko, Sophie, Dot.
Hester, Anadil, Tedros, Tristan, Myself, Beatrix, Chaddick.
"Twister"Aric called
Queuing the cringing faces.
Hort. Aric.
"What I didn't vote?"Hort shrugged
"So it's cluedo. Six characters..."Tedros sighed
"Two rounds, final round."I nodded
"My original version though not the official, rules are the same. Who wants to be in round 1??"Tedros asked
Hort, Sophie, Hester, Anadil, Aric,Dot.
"Round 2?"
Me, Tedros, Kiko, Tristan, Chaddick, Beatrix.
"Sounds good"Tedros nodded hugging me
"H-Hey!"I growled
"H-H-Hey I love youuu!"Tedros swayed side to side sitting me in his hands as he pulled the box out with his foot sliding it to the centre of the group, now again in the lounge room

I don't know if you can actually read my bio, but I made a YouTube channel, and because this is my main book I was gonna ask here. But what kind of videos would you guys wanna watch?? :D

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