Truth Or Dare Part III Aborting

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Agatha's POV
Everyone looked at everyone in the room, Aric had evil plans and everyone knew it, frankly Tedros and I could avoid that and not be upset. Aric looked at us with he saddest face, the face of a disappointed fanboy. Kiko, holding Tristan's arm now nodded and her boyfriend followed, beside them Hort now sat on Sophie who mad cringing like no tomorrow, in sync they nodded. Dot, Hester, Anadil, Chaddick, Beatrix too. Chaddick smiled slightly, relieved he avoided anything embarrassing with his new girlfriend.
"We made cupcakes"Tedros interrupted as Dot went to open her mouth, which opened again immediately
"Is there chocolate ones?!"She gasped
"I think so"Tedros glanced over to the kitchen as if he could see though the walls
"You can't tell from here idiot"I sighed snickering
"Maybe but me, I'm your idiot"Tedros winked
"Wink wonk"Sophie mumbled laughing
"Whatever"I sighed puffing my cheeks
"Look let's just go get cupcakes and come back!"Tedros laughed putting his hand to his forehead
"I agree"Chaddick said pushing himself up before grasping Beatrix's hand pulling her up
Dot pulled herself up and headed out with everyone as Tedros picked me up.
"Lets eat some food princess"He winked
"Wink wonk"Sophie whispered as Hort pulled her gently
"C'mon Aric"Tedros called as he opened the fridge pulling out the first box of cupcakes
"Fine"He groaned jumping up

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