Preperation start........thankyouuu

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Agatha's POV
Tedros didn't lie it didn't feel like a long drive, Sophie seemed to be taking photos or perfecting her makeup as I held Tedros' hand laughing at Guinevere who told an occasional childhood story leaving Tedros with a red tinted pair of ears and a nervous laugh. But soon enough we had arrived immediately putting our bags into Tedros' room.
"You'll need to grab the extra three beds from the spare rooms and bring them to the lounge room"Guinevere called
Let's just note that Tedros' house was probably the size of a mansion, two stories, the first story had a massive lounge, dining room, kitchen, bathroom and garage whilst the upstairs were all bedrooms with their own bathrooms, like. I stepped in and got lost immediately. Good thing it was easy to get used to but the effort of pulling a mattress from upstairs to downstairs was unbearable, I mean it wasn't that bad for me, but that's what Sophie kept yelling and groaning. The three beds sat on the loungerooms floor soon covered by pillows and blankets, facing their massive TV.
"They'll be here tomorrow right? But late?"Guinevere asked looking out the window to the setting sun
"Yeah that's what most of them said"Tedros smiled
"You can cook some snacks I'll make a cake now and we can have dinner later, sound good?" She asked
Tedros looked to Sophie and I earning two nods,
"Yeah sounds great"
Tedros turned to us grinning.
"I forgot to say welcome, but anything you want to do?"He asked
"Mario kart."Sophie grinned, "you'd have it right I mean..."
"Yeah....and yep in my room. Let's go then"Tedros smiled awkwardly
Everyone was nervous and awkward, we'd never been here together, or for Sophie and I at all, of course it was awkward.

Can I please say a quick thankyou?
Does anyone even read these? Yes? No?
I just wanted to say thankyou to everyone, especially to the people that always comment...>\\\<
You guys are honestly awesome for actually reading this- it's not the best, I'm literally so happy that you like this and I have wanted to say thankyou for a while.
And sorry that this isn't the best and my update's a potato. 🥔
Thankyou for being supportive and friendly, I could never say thankyou enough for you guys being so cool.
And I'm pretty sure I've said thankyou a lot.
Longest authors note ever aside, I hope to see you awesome people in the future!
-----is it weird how quick/slow I reply to your comments 0.0
This is going off topic, so before I start questioning if rocks are living, how mermaids poop and why I'm so awkward I'm saying a finale thankyou and goodbye !

(Totally not awkward- thanks for actually reading that if you did, I'd give you food but tech isn't THAT advanced....yet ;D)

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