R.I.P Pizza Hopes

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Agatha's POV
Blue Team:

Red Team:
After loosing not only Hester but Reena the red Team actually had a chance of taking that pizza, I didn't want Tedros to have that pizza but as game and game passed she watched her team loose more than Tedros'.
She lost Anadil who didn't care after Hester got out, then Kiko who missed the winning shot, then somehow with Chaddick and Kiko's distraction Red team lost Tristan, then Sophie who snapped a nail. 2 vs 2 and Tedros and Beatrix lost, Beatrix gave up hoping on Tedros and Chaddick left it to me as Tedros somehow bet us.
My hopes were kinda lost as Tedros bet me one on one by a single point, urk.
That pizza?
They got it, Beatrix winked teasing Chaddick as she ate hers, Tristan handed Kiko his piece and Tedros passed me his.
"I didn't want it"
"That's a lie, you obviously wanted to win!"I held it awkwardly
"Ew Hort here!"Sophie tossed hers away
"Because I like beating you~"Tedros grinned hugging me
I lucking, held the pizza away eating it hesitantly as he pulled away. Likes beating me? Whatever.
"It won't happen again"I beamed
"Oh I'll make sure it will"Tedros chuckled
"Nope"I patted his cheek
"ARIC!"Beatrix yelled
He held a pizza he'd taken from Chaddick, Beatrix glared as if she'd taken his piece.
"Hey just share that last piece it's yours anyways"Aric winked
And so Beatrix awkwardly shared with Chaddick as Tedros lifted me onto his knees.
"So what's next?"Kiko asked
"We have actual dinner and desert maybe then sleep??"Tedros questioned, chin on my head

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