"please come on"

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"My phone won't come on!😩"

If you don't feel like reading some point in this announcement, skip to the *** .

The title of this announcement is basically what I've said so many times , it haunts me. Jk

But as you know, I haven't updated, once again, in forever. I still have the same issues with school and all,but the main thing was my phone.

My HTC One was having major issues charging. The light wouldn't even show up like it does to let you know it reads the charger or whatever. I realized it wasn't a shortage in the cord, there was a problem with the inside of my phone. I had to basically stab my hand by holding the clip in the phone socket..hard , to get the light to show up. At first it wasn't bad but by the end it couldn't leave my phone while it charged.

Then in its last days it just stopped coming on when I pressed the power button,after it died. I managed to get it back on a few times but it's so dead idek what to do. When I hold the charger in it now, the light looks like it doesnt know what color to turn to. It flickers from nothing, orange,yellow,and kind of green(which I know isnt right cz it isn't fully charged), and on rare times when I get lucky red. When it turns red, the color most see as a bad color, it's like recognizing the charge/charger and it usually comes on. But the last time i tried , it didn't. .

And all my drafts(for stories), pictures, videos.. Memories , were on there. I don't want to give all that up but I dont have a choice now . I don't know what to do.

So, I have to rewrite any draft I had(though, some were saved for some odd reason. only the ones in unpublished tho). I don't want to but ..I dont want to do a lot of things. Lol

Btw I have a historical review due Tuesday that I havent even read a book for or started on. #screwed.

Spring break, I'll try to have SOMETHING up. Don't know if it's for all books. Or just this one. (I've posted this announcement on all my active/semi active stories So it means I'm not necessarily talking about a specific book.)
Velvet Horns will be updated tonight though.

Oh, I have a new phone btw.

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