Lookin For Ya

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You ever heard "Lookin For Ya" by MB? Well you should have!  (if you haven't...tf!?)The chap. is kinda based off that.


          Neither Jacob nor Chresanto saw each other for the rest of the school day. They were pretty bummed about that. So once the bell rang, at 3:03pm at the end of the day, they jolted from their sets to be early for one last search of the day.

Chres and Jake maneuvered through the crowds of loud high schoolers, in pursuit of each other.

They grumbled at their unsuccessful attempts. By the time they had given up, most of the children were already heading out the door to their cars or buses. This made Chresanto sigh while he walked towards the exit. He passed the snack machine discovering an urge for a certain sweet taste he hadn't known about until he saw the glazed honey buns in the top section.

"Mmm." He moaned hungrily, pulling out a dollar from within the folds of his wallet that sat in his back pocket. He placed the money in the machine.

Meanwhile,Jake was so focused on looking for Chresanto that he forgot his math binder in his locker. He had to go over his math homework before turning it in the next day,Friday.

He ran back and twisted in his combination, retrieving his green math binder that was decorated in small doodles. He smiled at it. He and Chres had done that one day in gym together.  He sighed and shut the locker. He began walking towards the intersection not paying attention, all focus on making it out to call/text Chresanto, when he ran into another unfocused body headed slightly in the same direction. This person was distracted by trying to open a honey bun,which plummeted to the floor during the collision. They both slightly groaned getting up. Jacob grabbed the honeybun the person dropped - because it was closer in his reach - quickly to give it to them and apologize, then they both reached for Jacob's doodled binder at once saying sorry.  Jacob froze as he instantly recognized Chres's hand and voice. Chresanto snapped his gaze to Jacob when he realized the binder,voice,and hand indeed belonged to his love interest.

"Jacob." Chresanto said softly, causing him to look up slowly.

Jacob just stared back into Chres's eyes.  A small smile formed by habit. "Hey." he said then gathered his stuff after giving Chresanto his snack back. He slowly got up turning to walk away,the whole time thinking about how he knew he needed to talk to Chresanto. He was nervous. Chres quickly tucked his treat into his backpack and grabbed Jacob's hand softly,pulling him back.

"Jake, I need to talk to you."  Chresanto said.

Jacob sighed. He hated confrontation, but he would have to talk in order to be with Chresanto. He nodded slowly, not looking up at Chres,he was still nervous. "Yeah, I know..but not here, they might lock us in or something." Jacob stated with a small nervous laugh causing Chres to nod and smile softly.

He held on to Jake's hand still and lead him out of the school house. Jacob felt  funny inside by this action,Chresanto holding his hand and guiding him out like he was his. It reminded him of what he really was looking for and how special Chresanto was to him. He felt his cheeks blush and slightly made his grip firmer on Chresanto's hand. Chres felt it and smiled a little as they made it to the parking lot.

He turned  slowly to Jacob, still holding his hand. He leaned against his car. "I don't even know if we can stand out here like this." He chuckled a bit and so did Jake.

"Me neither." Jake shook his head glancing around the parking lot.

Chresanto looked down and cleared his throat to refocus himself. He looked back up. "Jake, I'm so sorry. I - "

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