Chapter 3

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Arriving to school on Monday, I made my way down the hallways. All that was heard this cold morning was about Harry Styles and the boxing match. 

"Did you see his eyes? I dream of staring into them every day." A girl cooed.

"Dude! The match was sick Saturday night, Styles really brought it!" A boy said, dramatically moving his arms around.

"You won't believe it Louis, he was in our gym! In our fucking gym. We actually watched him train!" A thick Irish accent said.

I slowed down as I walked past Louis and his friends.

"You sound like right creepers." He laughed in response.

I smiled to myself as I heard him continue. "I managed to meet him. My dad organised it. He was so cool. We talked like we were best mates." He grinned.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Talked? He barely managed to get a word out his mouth without stuttering. My back suddenly crashed against a locker and I opened my eyes to see Louis glaring at me.

"What you laughing at!" He yelled.


"No! You're laughing at me, I know you-" he stopped mid-sentence and just stared into my eyes.

Oh no, what if something clicked in his head and he knows who I am. He let me go and looked at me once more before he slowly walked away, confused. What, just happened? Does he know who I am or not?

I watched him walk away, looking every so often over his shoulder at me before he disappeared round the corner. I sighed and then my phone started to ring. I got it out my pocket to see it was an unknown number.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, Mr Styles? This is Mid-West High School."

Shit. I ran around school quickly and hid in the janitors closet so no-one would hear the conversation.

"Yes. How can I help you?"

"Well, we would appreciate it if you could come and talk to our students tomorrow about your career and fitness." Mrs Dean said. I can just imagine her smiling down at the phone.

"Well I don't know, I have a very busy schedule." How will I make this work?

"Please Mr Styles. It would mean a lot to all our students!" She slightly begged.

I stared at the phone a minute, thinking things through and let out a sigh before I brought it back to my ear.

"Ok Mrs...."

"Dean." She perked.

"I would love to come and visit your school. What time."

She let out a little squeal before she cleared her throat and she went through all the details with me. As we were about to end the phone call, the school bell rang.

"Is that a school bell?" She wondered.

"No, no it's my door bell. I must go, my trainer is here. Bye." I said quickly before ending the call and leaving the janitors closet and running to my class. I made it to the door just when the teacher was about to close it and she smiled at me, letting me enter the class. I walked with my head down to my desk and sat down.

Throughout the lesson I could feel a pair of curious eyes staring at me. I looked around and our eyes locked with the one and only Louis Tomlinson. He gulped and quickly looked away staring at his desk.

I'm worried to know what's going on in that head of his. School had finally finished and I drove home, got changed and then went to the gym. Richard couldn't make it today; his wife was in labour so I just went alone. As I entered the gym, Louis friends looked at me and walked over to me.

"Hi Harry, I'm Niall and this is Liam."

"Hello, lads how are you?"

"Fine thanks, how are you?" Liam beamed.


"We're big fans. You were great on Saturday."

"Oh well thank you so much. So you two lads doing anything today?"

"Just meeting some friends in a cafe later on, nothing big what are you doing?"

"Well I'm going to train and then I'll see. See you later boys." I smiled.

"Bye." They both waved.

Later on I decided to mess with Louis and see if I could get anything out of him. I walked over to the cafe, I knew all students went to and I saw him hugging all his friends, goodbye. He walked out the cafe and started walking down the street. I smirked as I walked towards him and started walking next to him.

He didn't realise at first until he looked at me and he gasped.

"Holy shit!" He said, as he covered his heart with his hand. I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction.

"Harry Styles?" He asked.

"The one and only. How are you?"

"I-I'm f-fine." He answered.

"Hey I forgot my phone at home and I just saw you so I was wondering can I use yours please?"

"S-sure!" He said as he got his phone out and handed it to me. I nodded and smiled as I added my number and then sent a message to my phone. Good thing I have it on silent.

"Great thanks Louis, you're a life saver." I smiled as I walked away and left him there.


I looked down at my phone and my curiosity was taking over. Who did he text? What did he say? I walked faster down the road until I stopped and looked around to make sure Harry was nowhere around. I opened my phone and went into texts to see he sent a message to himself.

Oh my god, he added his number to my phone. He saved himself as Sexy Styles xx. He even put kisses! Can this mean that he likes me? I don't know but I want to find out.

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