Chapter 13

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My alarm from my phone woke me up and I groaned as I rolled over in bed. I lay on my chest for a few seconds before pain shot through me. I stood up and ran over to the mirror to examine myself to see two little birds tattooed on my collarbones. Ah shit! I've done it again.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...I muttered that to myself as I got ready for school and finally made my way to the actual place itself. I was happy to go and see Louis as Marcel, knowing that he really likes Marcel. If only he liked the other half, everything would be perfect.

Walking down the hallway, everybody stared at me but today nobody talked, nobody uttered a word about me. What's going on? This isn't right, they should all be making fun of my style and whispering about how much of a dork and a fag I am. I turned the corner and saw Louis standing by my locker. I'm sure he has something to do with it but I don't want to talk about it right now.

"Marcy! You came!" He smiled, as I walked up to him. I realized he was wearing my glasses and I just smiled at how goofy he looked.

"Hey Lou. Looking good." I winked and he grinned.

"You like them? I thought I should give cute nerd a go!" He said, pushing them up his nose.

I chuckled as he gave me my phone and then my glasses, gently placing them on my face. I opened my locker and looked around to find my correct books when Louis wrapped his arms from behind me. His fingers brushed over my collarbones and I held back the hiss of pain.

"Um Lou, we don't have PE today right?" I asked.

"Nope, actually we don't have it all week." He whispered down my ear.

I sighed in relief and turned around in Louis arms to give him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled at me as he let me go and the bell rang. He sighed as he looked at me and pouted. God he looks cute!

"I don't get to see you now until lunch!"

"I know but suck it up!" I said, playfully punching him on the shoulder.

"I'm trying to be cute here!" He said, grabbing my hand and walking me to class.

"You already are cute, you don't have to try." I said pecking him on the lips and entering my class.

After my classes it was finally lunch and I found myself entering the cafeteria to see Zayn, Niall, Liam and Louis all sitting at the table. Zayn saw me first and he quickly got up and motioned me to wait for him, outside the cafeteria doors. I turned on my heel and walked out of the cafeteria and leaned against the wall near the door.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Zayn asked.

"I-I couldn't d-do it!" I stuttered as I looked at Zayn. He sighed as he ran his hand over his face.

"You have to tell me as soon as possible. If he finds out without you telling him, he's going to be upset." He crossed his arms over his chest as he gave me a stern look.

"Look, I really tried but it just wouldn't come out!" I closed my eyes, sighing.

"Why don't you try telling him as Harry who's more confident!"

"I did do it as Harry! Just drop it Zayn, I'm not going to do it." I said.

"Only because you don't have the balls to stand up for who you are!" Zayn pushed.


"You heard me; you haven't got the guts to do it. You're scared! I mean why else would you not do it? I can't believe Louis is falling for a pussy. And everybody says Harry is so brave, well look at him now people, he has no balls to do a simple thing, he just finds it easier to run away and-"

I lost my temper and swung for him. My fist collided with his cheek and he stumbled over as a deep chuckle was heard from him. I kept clenching and unclenching my fists as I stared at Zayn, the anger still boiling. Suddenly I realized what I had just done and started to panic. Shit, shit, shit, shit!

"N-no Zayn, oh god, Zayn I'm sorry!"

"Don't worry; I wanted you to do it." He smiled.

"What? Who wants to be hit by a fucking boxer?"

"Just tell Louis, will you? You can do it ok? If you have what it takes to get angry over what I said and punch your boyfriends friend then you can tell him who you really are." He tapped me lightly on the cheek and walked back into the cafeteria.

How does punching the lad, prove that I call tell Louis my biggest secret. What does punching Zayn have anything to do with all this? Seriously some of the things this boy does are so weird. I don't understand how all this works out. 

I entered the cafeteria and walked over to the table and sat down next to Louis who just smiled at me.

"Marcy you came! We thought you got lost."

"Uh n-no."

"Hey are you ok, are you sick? You look a little pale!" Lou said, feeling my forehead.

"I-m f-fine." I looked in to his blue eyes which were filled with worry and concern at the moment.

I have to tell him, if not he will hate me forever. What have I gotten myself into this time?

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