Chapter 23

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Marcels eyes fluttered open, hoping that the pain from everything was finally over. His emerald green eyes scanned his surroundings, to see nothing but black. He felt lost and alone. All Marcel wanted to do was escape just for a bit from the real world. How was he supposed to know that everything would turn this bad?

A soft chuckle broke the silence. Marcel tried looking around; his eyes scanning the emptiness in front of him, looking for the person that lovely chuckle belonged to. All he wanted was to be held in his arms, his muscular, warm arms. He only wanted to be able to hear his sweet voice whispering reassuring words down his ear.

He finally saw a pair of ocean blue eyes, staring right at him. He couldn't see anything else but he was still happy to see those pretty eyes which always made him feel warm and loved and woke up those thousand butterflies which seem to fly around at the pit of his stomach every time he sees Louis.

Marcel smiled at himself, as he started to run towards the eyes which made him feel safe and wanted. That's when he realized that even though he was running, he wasn't moving and those specks of blue seemed to get further and further away. A painful scream left his lips as he watched those eyes vanish, just like they did in real life, they left him.

He stopped trying to reach them when he couldn't see them, he gave up, how he gave up on himself, how quickly he gave up on Louis, how he gave up on life. Everything was dark once again; all that was heard was Marcels heavy breathing as he felt like he was suffocating in the emptiness that was around him.

Suddenly a dim, yellow glow soon replaced all the black and he could finally see what was around him. The thing was that there was nothing there, just like in reality where he had nothing left. He has no parents; no other family members want him because he is a boxer, just like Louis doesn't want anything to do with him. To him life is over anyway.

That's when a loud noise almost like something was breaking echoed. Marcel looked around him confused. What was happening? The floor under his feet started to shake and as he looked down he realized that the floor had massive cracks in it and those cracks were getting bigger, turning into a massive hole under him.

He didn't try to run; he just let himself fall in the hole that had now formed. As he freely fell, he could hear whispers all around him. Paying more attention he realized it was all the mean comments other students have said about him. He never knew why he listened to the horrible things they had to say about him but he always did and he then always tried to fight the pain he felt in his chest.

Finally after what seemed forever, he landed on something very sharp. He could feel sharp objects cutting his skin. He looked around him, to see that he was in what seemed in a cave but weirdly it was a very deep red colour. It seemed a lot like blood. Gulping he picked up a few of the sharp objects from the floor and brought them near his face, only to see that he landed on a pile of razors blades.

He quickly got up, ignoring the sting and the wet liquid that he could feel on his legs. In front of him, was a bright white light. It looked so gorgeous that like he walked cautiously towards it. He felt like a moth attracted to light.

"Marcel" A voice sang, one which made him freeze in place. "Don't you want to get rid of the pain? It's easy you know, all you have to do, is grab a razor and slowly glide it across your skin. There's nothing to it. Come on Marcy! Do it for me! For the person who caused you much pain but you love."

Marcels eyes widened as he ran towards the light now. He just wished that it was now the end. He hoped and prayed that the light would finally take him to heaven. He had enough of this nightmare; he didn't want to see any more of it. He didn't want to die, but at that moment, it was the only thing on his mind, he just wanted to find some peace and he felt like that would be in heaven.

As he finally reached the light, he closed his eyes, muttering under his breath 'please be heaven'. He wasn't that lucky. The minute he walked through the light, a cold breeze wrapped itself around his body like a cold blanket. He opened his eyes and couldn't keep the disappointment out of them as he studied the scenery in front of him.

He was now standing on the roof of a building. It was a thirty story high building. At the edge of the roof, his legs hanging in the air without a care in the world sat that one lad. That one lad that meant everything to Marcel but Marcel meant nothing to him. Louis Tomlinson.

Marcel took cautious steps towards him, until Louis looked over his shoulder and smiled, that million dollar smile at him, which had Marcel feeling weak in the knees.

"Finally you came. I've been waiting here for ages." 

Marcels eyebrows furrowed, as he watched Louis pat the space next to him. He slowly walked up and looked over the edge of the roof at the long drop down. He gulped as he sat down, his legs also hanging in mid-air like Louis.

"I don't know why you would do this Marcel. Why would you hurt yourself? There was no need. I said I didn't love you, but you knew I was lying. Did you do it for attention? Did you think everyone would pity you, if you did hurt yourself or even succeed what you attempted?"

"I wasn't committing suicide." Marcel managed to say, remembering how he ran home after school, locked himself in his bedroom, and broke down. He smashed everything in his way and listened to every voice mail Louis left him until he finally picked up the razor, marking his silky skin.

"You did, or you wouldn't be here right now. But you see Marcy, you didn't succeed and that's because people in the real world care about you and love you. Unfortunately in this world they don't." Louis smile turned into an evil grin as his hand found Marcels back and he just simply pushed him.

Marcel couldn't do anything, except scream and cry as he fell. He knew that this was his end but if it wasn't, he sure wished it was. He had enough of this nightmare; he just wanted it all to be over with or for him to finally return to the real world. He finally hit the ground, a sickening sound coming from the bones in his back as he collided with the cold, hard ground.

He still couldn't believe it. It wasn't over. Either thought he broke his back from the fall and hit his head on the concrete, he was still alive. This time though, everything seemed beautiful. The sky was blue and he could hear birds singing in the branches of the tree he was sitting under. A beautiful lake was glistening under the sun rays.

He got up and walked around the tree to then frown. He was a cemetery. There was a funeral happening at that moment. Men in suits and women wearing long black dresses. He slowly walked closer, not wanting to disturb the grieving people but his curiosity took over. As he approached his eyes landed on the cross which sat on top of the freshly dug dirt which read his name on it. 'Marcel Harry Styles'

He then looked at the people that stood around the grave. Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, Richard....He really did die. Then Louis stood behind the cross and stared down at the grave.

"I would like to say a few words. Marcel was, well he was a very interesting boy. Everyone thought he was weird and a nerd but they were wrong. I took the time to get to know Marcel, not because I pitied him or felt sorry for him but because every time I would see him, I just felt happier and I knew that he would be amazing. That's when I did the right thing and finally talked to him one day in PE. So I might of come on a bit strong, flirting with him and such but I just couldn't myself. Despite the way he dressed he was absolutely gorgeous. Those eyes and those dimples. That mesmerizing laugh and that beautiful smile which could light the whole room up. He was such a softy too. He couldn't hurt anyone except himself. I made a terrible mistake pushing Marcel away when he needed me and I needed him. I don't have an excuse because none of them can explain the real reason why I did what I did. All I know now is that I loved Marcel and I know I will love him forever. I'm so sorry Marcel, I never meant to hurt you, I-I j-just love y-you." Marcel watched as Zayn walked up to Louis and hugged him, kissing the top of his head and trying to pull Louis away, only resulting in Louis breaking down in tears by his grave. Begging God to bring Marcel back.

It all went black again and Marcel realized that people did care maybe not in the real world but here they did. Even though he knew people cared and loved him here, he felt like it was all a nightmare and all he wanted to do was return to the real world and try to live what he would now call a dream.

A/N: Basically for whoever is confused this is what Marcel dreams of from the time he fell unconscious at home to when Louis found him in the house to when he was in the ambulance going to the hospital.

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