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Hi there guys! 

For any readers who are just finishing this story then go check out the sequel  :)

For any old readers who might still have this in their library or re-reading it then I might have some great news for you guys. I might be writing a third book and maybe even a fourth if all goes well. However, for me to do this I would like to see how much interest there is so comment down below if you would like a third or not. It all comes down to you guys and your decision.

I also posted this on Stronger (the sequel), so you're free to comment on whichever book you would like. Also I would prefer if you guys comment as I'm not on that often meaning if you vote I might not see it. 

So let me know guys, if enough of you want the third book I'll get started on it straight away.

Silver xx

Double Life (Larcel/Larry) *Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now