Chapter 12

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I got up from the floor and dusted myself off when Louis looked at me.

"Oh! Hey Harry?" He said, confused.

I watched as he got his phone out and checked something before giving me an even more confused look and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Hey Lou, you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Did you text me to come here?" He asked, looking around.

"Um yeah." Why hasn't he said anything, hasn't he noticed the glasses yet? I went to push my glasses up my nose but realised they weren't even on my face. I looked around and that's when I noticed they were on the floor. Shit! I took them off and didn't put them back on.

Just tell him! You can do this, come on, do it. I sighed and picked up the glasses and held them in my hands.

"Uh Lou I want to say-"

"Those are Marcels." He said pointing at the glasses in my hand.

I ran a hand through my hair and nodded.

"Yeah, he forgot them here. Since you guys hang out I thought you could give them back to him." I said, giving them to him. Pussy! My mind yelled.

"Thanks. I knew he worked out, you should see the body that boy has!" He said smirking.

"Mmm..." I hummed as I leaned against the wall.

"Oh um Marcel text me from his phone to meet him here." He said.

"Right, that was me to. He also forgot his phone." I said, digging for my phone in my pocket and throwing it at him. Good thing I have two different phones.

"Cool. So need any help with training?" He asked.

"No actually, but I'm going out you coming?" I asked pushing myself off the wall and making my way to the door of the gym.

"Sure." He said jogging up to me.

We stepped out into the cool air as the sun started to set over the mountains. I shoved my hands in my pockets and started walking towards the middle of the city. It was only a ten minute walk from the gym and I couldn't be bothered to drive.

"So uh, has Marcel said anything about me?" Louis asked as he walked next to me.

"No, we don't talk. I just checked his phone and saw he was texting you."

"Right...actually I want to say I'm sorry." He said. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye.

"For what?"

"Well, like we went on a date and all but now I'm after another boy, I feel like a slut." He chuckled.

I sighed. I'm the same person, you idiot. "It's ok, he's lucky." I said, wanting to hit my head on a wall a couple of times.

"He's great you know. At first he seems shy and all but once you start to talk to him, he's amazing. Sure he might look a little different but it's what makes him, well him."

"Are you two dating?"

"No, not yet anyway. We will at some point, I hope." He smiled.

I pushed open the door to a cafe and walked in, walking straight up to the counter and ordering myself a coffee and Louis one. I walked over to a table and sat down and noticed Louis was still standing at the door. He looked very confused as he walked towards me and sat opposite me. I gave him his coffee and took a long drink from mine.

"Haz, you alright?" He asked.

No, I'm too afraid to tell you who I really am. "Yeah, I'm fine!"

"You're just acting a little strange that's all." He said taking a sip from his coffee.

"Sorry, just tired I guess." I shrugged.

After drinking our drinks and just talking about anything to each other we both stood up and left the cafe. I started walking again in a random direction not really bothered where I'm going.

"So when's your next match?" Louis voice rang. I forgot he was with me, shit I'm so out of it.

"Uh in a week, Friday night." I said.

"Cool. You know I'll come and watch you, I always do." He grinned, throwing his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah, thanks mate." I smiled back, happy to feel his warmth.

"Hm, do you think I should bring Marcel?" My eyes widened and I gulped.

"Uh no, he won't like it." I mumbled.

"You think?"

"No, he doesn't seem the kind of lad who will like to watch people be beaten up." Lies, lies, lies.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Well I got to get going now, text me if you want to talk. See you later Haz." He said waving and walking away from me. That's when I realised he had my glasses on top of his head and I smiled.

I stopped in front of a tattoo shop as I continued to wonder around the city and an idea popped into my head. Why not? I walked in and talked to the person there and before I knew what was happening, I was sitting in a chair having a tattoo done. It was finally done and I smiled as I looked in the mirror and thanked the man. It was perfect; it was two little birds on my collarbones.

I arrived home, after walking back to the gym and getting my car and I went straight to bed. My mind wasn't functioning. All I could think about is how much of a pussy I am. I just couldn't do it, I'm such an idiot. Before I knew it sleep took over me.

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