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a/n: LONG CHAPTER!~ ^^

"Jimin hyung, I need to talk to you" Jungkook grabbed jimin's attention.

"What is it?" Jimin chilled.

"I need to talk to you privately" Jungkook showed how grim he was. Jimin's smile faded away to form a serious face and they both walked to Jimin's room.

"what is it?" Jimin asked again.

"Do you know anything about this?" Jungkook asked showing a screenshot of something. To jimin's consternation, it was the text Yongin received last night. The text from the unknown number. "How did you..." Jimin looked at him in disturbance.

"wanna bet?" Jungkook spoke.

"what? I am talking about how you got this!" Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"yeah. wanna bet on that? if I explain will you explain too?"

"oh.. Okay sure but you'll go first"

"sure. Okay so last night, when I came to the room, Yongin seemed pretty happy because she was hopping like a rabbit from one end to another....."

~ Flashback ~

"what are you doing?" Jungkook asked in awe.

"oh!, Just warming-" /Beep beep/. Her phone cut off what she was about to say.  Jungkook noticed the color of her face change. The bright expression on her face, The smile started fading away and her face turned gloomy. Her eyes widened and she started to panic. She broke into cold sweat. Jungkook was watching her silently until he saw tears forming in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked in a worried tone, walking towards her. Yongin quickly locked the phone looking up at him immediately. "N-nothing. I'll b-be b-back-k" She stuttered. She ran out of the room in the blink of an eye.

Jungkook stood there for a while but he made his mind to follow Yongin. He felt worried because of the look he saw on her face. 

He kept following her route and it took him to the entrace. He managed to hide behind a wall, still stalking her. He was so eager to know what happened. Jungkook saw her texting to someone and after few seconds, Jimin showed up. Jungkook listened to their little conversation. 

 "Hey what is it? Why are you sweating so much, it isn't even hot. Why are you crying man, WHAT IN THE WORLD HAPPENED?" Jimin yelled out after seeing yongin's condition. What's going on?  Jungkook thought. Jungkook developed a desire to show up there, in between them but no, he just stood their calmly listening to their converstaion.

"The... n-number... again..." her words shaking from fear.

"WHAT NUMBER? TELL ME CLEARLY" Jimin lightly shook her and they both locked eyes as Yongin looked up at him. Yongin started crying out loud. 

 "That... stalk.. stalker.." Yongin spoke in between her sobs. 

 "what?! Show me your phone." Jimin said as he grabbed her phone. What number? what are they talking about? Jungkook thought.

"ugh this, ugh. Okay calm down Yongin. it'll be fine. we'll deal with this somehow. Just don't reply okay? if you get a text from this number please tell me again. Don't worry I'm here" Jimin said as he comforted her.  


Yongin came back to the room looking fresh and cool but Jungkook knew she wasn't feeling well.

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