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"No you are wrong Jimin. You just mentioned Jungkook in there and he doesn't know or does he?" Yongin proved that it cannot be Jungkook.

"Oh yeah, he doesn't know but well if he is a stalker-"

"No! It's not him. I'm sure he wouldn't do something like this so please" Yongin didn't want to believe another folk story which cannot be proven so she defended Jungkook.

"Then who the fuck is this?! Its not Jungeun, its not Jungkook, Then who?!" Jimin raised his voice in annoyance. "I swear to god I am gonna murder this person when I get to know who it is" He promised and Yongin was in the verge of crying.

"I gotta go Jimin, see you later" She stormed out as soon as possible.

"There she goes again. Why is this even happening to her damn!" Jimin stomped his foot on the wooden floor out of anger.


"Jungkook stop staring at your phone all day!" Jin the oldest commanded and Jungkook didn' bother to budge.

"Can't you hear me Jeon Jungkook!" Jin raised his voice but Jungkook continued to do what he was doing. He didn't listen to him at all and he rarely practices with the rest of the members.

"Give that to me! You are going overboard now. You are at the point where nobody is able to control you and this isn't your normal self Jungkook" Jin snatched his phone away and Jungkook shot glares at him.

"Give that fucking phone back!"

"No I am keeping this with me until you apologize"

"Shut the fuck up and give it back"

"Stop cursing kid-"

"Fine don't give it back. Bye" with that, Jungkook stomped out of the dorm. "Where are you going again?" He bumped onto their manager and had to face the same old question. "Nowhere. You don't need to know as long as I don't get caught by sasaeng fans or any others. No responsibilities is on you. I can take care of myself" Jungkook left his manager jaw dropped. He keeps talking this way and nobody knows how to stop him. Everyday passes like this and they have no idea on how to control this young man.

"Where are you heading to Jungkook?" Jimin who just entered the building asked. "Will you guys fucking stop asking me?! Its none of your business hoes!" Jimin was taken aback by the younger's anger. He watched the latter walk away until he was out of his sight. He sighed in frustration. Jimin had only one choice right now and if he does that, it will make a huge difference. In his opinion a positive huge difference but then he knew that Yongin wouldn't agree with that. Yongin wouldn't agree to explain everything to Jungkook because she was too afraid that it will make him feel more stressed about his life.

Jimin fished out his phone and dialled Yongin's number. He wanted to try one more time plus he wanted to apologize for the scene he created today.

"Yes Jiminie?"
"Yech chimmie"

"Haha, is Jooin repeating what you say? What a cutie"

"Yeah. He is too excited right now as he is walking back home from school"
"Ye. He ich choo egsy rat noe he bag chool"

"Oh my god that kid is trying his best to repeat everything haha. Anyway, sorry about earlier. Sorry for not thinking well and suspecting Jungkook for nothing. I actually forgot that he doesn't know about this"

"Its alright. Humans make mistakes and you aren't an alien just like the cutie tae. Now that I mentioned his name, I really miss him. I miss you all so much"
"I meeeeeeeechuu"

Jimin broke into fits of laughter at how Jooin was repeating his mother's words somehow. He sounded so adorable and dumb at the same time.

"Stop laughing he won't stop any-ughh these people won't stop the 'beeeeeeeeps' damn. Aren't they patient enough until someone crosses the road. People these days are so full of themselves"

Jooin started singing random words and Jimin just laughed listening to the adorable kid. They both talked for a while before disconnecting the call and he tried his best to convince Yongin.

Jimin walked into their dorm and he was welcomed to see gloomy expressions covering everyone's face. Jin and Hoseok was sobbing while the manager and the rest just hid their sad faces.

"What's wrong.." Jimin mumbled and sat next to Taehyung who was almost crying. "Check your phone, the news and everything" Taehyung said in a dead voice. "Guys I'm heading there. Take good care of yourselves and be-"

"Wait! Take me with you!" Yoongi said as he stood up. "Okay. Just be strong and don't cry. Everything will be alright" The manager advised before leaving with Yoongi.

Jimin went through all the breaking headlines and everything was about Jungkook.

"Jeon Jungkook met with a tragic accident a while ago and is rushed to the hospital for treatment"

"Wha.. It haven't even been 30 minutes since he left and.. How is this possible?!?" A tear drop rolled down his chubby cheeks.

"We don't know but is there any way that Yongin will know about this? Will she see this news? because she needs to see this and come back already. She cannot just leave like that. I'm not saying it's her fault but this isn't acceptable Jimin. You are silent every time we talk about Yongin and I have a feeling that you know something about her vanishing all of a sudden. Jimin, as a hyung I'm asking you to do just one favor. Ask Yongin to comeback" Namjoon spoke and continued to comfort Jin who was crying his eyes out.

"I'm sorry hyung. Let her come back on her own"

Hi I updated again. Hope y'all will enjoy and sorry if this is kind of getting confusing or boring? Anyway thanks for all your support and 13k+ reads. Love ya!

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