B O N U S [stalker]

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Phone call between the two stalkers.


"What are you gonna do now? Wouldn't this suck? I mean, they said she's leaving too. We wont be able to get in contact with her for the few days. oppa"

"Nah, No worries. I've got plans. She'll get into trouble for sure. Jungkook and Yongin, they both will"

"What are your plans?"

"Just.. Some illegal stuff, don't worry girl. I wont stop. He isn't suppose to get everything"

"I could spill everything to the media if I want too but let's just play this game oppa"

"Yes, spilling too soon will be boring ya know. This game is chill as fuck. We haven't been caught for years and I don't think we will ever get caught. Let's just pray we will succeed. Now I gotta go, I might get into deep trouble if I'm late" 

"hahah. Sure oppa. Good luck with your plan. I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen next. Take care"

"You too, girl"

a/n; Stay tuned for the next chapter. Coming soon.

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