Chapter 6: Hating the Hubby

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I skipped downstairs hoping to find Aunty Sabeeha in the kitchen. She was there, preparing breakfast. I said salaam and good morning to her. She replied with a smile. She was such a nice and pure soul. Despite how I behaved with her sister yesterday, she was being so nice to me. If it were someone else in her shoes, they would've defended her.

"I love your cooking Aunty Sabeeha. You have to start teaching me something new", I came close and stood next to her.

"Afaaf dear, you've just been married. I don't want you to take stress of the household work".

"But Aunty I really want to start cooking for everyone", I pleaded.

"Alright. Then do you want to take over the breakfast for today?".

"It'll be my pleasure!", I said taking over the stov while she sat at the table sipping her tea. She only made one plate of eggs and toast yet which she kept away for Amna who'd be joining us shortly.

I got out few eggs from the fridge and bananas as well. I was going to make pancakes. I always used to make pancakes for myself and Ali back home and he kept wanting 'one more' until he was told off by Ayesha.

"Aunty? Is there anyway I can apologise for yesterday?", I said while scrambling the eggs.

"Afaaf dear, you didn't do anything wrong. Zareen shouldn't have fiddled with your parent's matters. Although I try my best to bring her close to her nephews and niece but she keeps repeating her mistakes. I guess I should stop trying now"

"I respect your views Aunty but we should never give up on relations so close. She's your sister. You have a blood relation with her. We can't keep back from the rights of our families", I tried to explain her. It felt like she had lost hope in her sister after last night and I didn't wanted to be a reason to breaking their family relations. Aunty Sabeeha nodded and smiled.

"Salamulaykum! I knew I smelled pancakes!", Amna came into the kitchen. Aunty Sabeeha stood up to help her sit on the chair.

"You look wonderful Amna", I said looking her face glow so radiantly.

"It's not always rainbows and sunshine, believe me, there are days you just want it out of you already", she laughed.

"Just three more months bacha, and you'll be a mother", Aunty Sabeeha said grinning happily.

We all had breakfast together. I told them that today I was supposed to get back at work and thankfully they were very encouraging unlike other Muslim households where there is a very slight chance for a girl to work after marriage. Soon the men were awake too. It soon began getting noisy as everyone started to get ready for work. Imran, Fahad and Mariam came into the kitchen while Aunty Sabeeha joined Uncle Khan in the living room. They looked ready for work in their three piece suits. Fahad bhai kissed Amna on the forehead and whispered something to her. I blushed looking at them. I placed a plate of pancakes for Imran. He thanked me and smiled. My expressions were neutral.

"See you later tonight", I hugged Amna and left to get ready for school.

Meet you in the staff's room. Be quick.

I read Hareem's message as I rummaged through the hijab's drawer to find the yellow floral hijab that looked amazing with my green abaya and there it was peeking through the corner of the drawer. I got it out of the drawer and stood before the dresser folding it around my head. I hated how my eyes looked today, as if I were crying all night. It might've been true because I didn't even know when I fell asleep last night. I hated myself for being so. Whenever anything bad happened to me or to my family it would stress me out so much that I would keep over thinking about it the whole night sacrificing my sleep. It had started to get worse lately. Whenever I had a stressed night, I'd lose focus while teaching. I would start stuttering and my hands become sweaty. My weaknesses were affecting my job.

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