Chapter 13: With You Forever

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Afaaf's POV

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen?", Ayesha asked for the hundredth time!

But she had the right reasons to. I was feeling so stressful after that. My heart felt depressed and broken. I wasn't laughing much like others. I couldn't even pretend to. It was time to leave and I could feel anxiety building inside me as Imran came and stood next to me.

I said Salaam to everyone and told Ayesha that everything was going to be fine. As we sat in the cars I noticed that Imran didn't hold the door for me. Then I realised that he hasn't been holding the door for me since long. I was the one distanced him from myself. I was the one who didn't value him and maybe I had lost him now. We only realise the worth of something or someone when they are gone.

Since it was getting late, everyone went to their bedrooms early except Aunty Sabeeha who said that she had a bit of kitchen work to do. I went to the bedroom as well followed by Imran.

"Afaaf, you have to und...", before he could finish I spoke up.

"You can't do this Imran! You can't divorce me!", I said as I took off my hijab.

"Can you please sit down first and listen to me?!", he pointed at the couch.

I sat there and he sat next to me keeping his modest distance. Horrible conclusions were running through my mind as I waited for him to speak up.

"I don't want us to stay like this anymore", my heart raced as his words escaped his thin lips, "You forced yourself into marriage. You are doing all of this for the sake of your mother. I can't live with that. We can't continue a relationship which is built on nothing. It's better this way. Believe me. We were not meant for each other and we shouldn't be crossing each others paths anymore"

"Imran, don't do this! I don't want to get divorced!", I said as my lips quivered.

"Does it seem to you like I'm happy with the divorce idea?! For your information I'm certainly not! But we can't keep wasting our lives like this anymore. You are not happy here at my place with me. I'm not happy with you. Don't all these reasons sound valid enough to you?! Both of us had made wrong decisions before. For once let's make the right one and live in peace!"

"Imran, you know I'm sorry for whatever happened that caused you pain because of me. I know you're hurt and not happy with me but please don't end our marriage", I tried to control my tears but they refuse to hold back.

"This won't ever change anything. Please don't try to change my mind. I've thought about this enough and I don't want to think anymore. My decision's final. I think by the end of this month the divorce papers will be ready and then both of us can be free". He got from couch running his hand over his face. I was the reason to his distress. I was always the one thing wrong in his peaceful life. No matter how bad I wanted to undo so many things that I did wrong, I just couldn't now.

"You are saying that things won't ever change... What if I say... my heart has changed? What if I say, I love you? What if I say I don't want a life without you anymore", as I lifted my gaze I saw that he stood frozen in his spot. I went near him and held his hand intervening our fingers. His face was still turned away from me.

I stood right next to him and placed my head on his shoulder, "You have to understand why I made those mistakes or bad decisions before you finalise your word. I know mum has told you about how our father had divorced her and also how Ayesha got divorced too but you can only imagine what I had went through after seeing such horrid sides of men. I didn't know what was trust anymore after my father left as all on our own for another woman. I didn't know what love was anymore when Hamza came to throw back Ayesha at our door even after knowing that she was pregnant. I didn't know what it felt like to have a strong support or to be looked after, after facing harassments all our lives. I just feared if you were going to turn out the same. I just feared you would be like my father or Hamza", he clasped my hand tightly now as I hicupped while tears kept rushing down.

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