Chapter 8: Life and Death are in the Hands of Allah

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    Afaaf's POV

And what is life after all, nothing but a few days before death and then one day there will remain nothing and one day we will all have to return to Allah. I thought, as the nurses made the necessary arrangements to begin with with the surgery. The surgery was still three hours away and every minute since last evening has been spent restlessly praying, reading Qur'an or thinking about life.

Everybody was in the same state. Ali was taken home by Aunty Sabeeha and Uncle Khan. It was first time for him to stay alone at someone else's place, but he knew they were family so he didn't make a fus about it. Imran went with them as well. I just wanted this surgery to end as soon as possible so that I could hear the good news of mum being perfectly fine and that she can go home soon. Mum has never went through surgery her entire life. It was going to be hard for her and all I could do for her was pray.

The way Imran glanced at me throughout last night brought horrific conclusions in my mind. What if he was going spill everything before mum?! I will never let him do that. Never ever. But the thing that kept bugging me was that why was he keeping it from his parents?! I needed to talk to him. We had to sort out everything.

Ayesha and I stayed in the hospital. We took turns sleeping besides mum. Last night, every part of me hurt. It was almost a nervous break down. The next morning, when mum woke up it was the most beautiful morning of my life. We fed her very light food as the doctor had advised.

We called all of mum's friends and our uncles and aunts in Dubai to inform them of the tragedy and asked them to make dua to Allah for mum. Most of her friends came to visit at the hospital. It was so nice to see that mum had such a huge circle of sincere friends who gave us hope and told us to have faith in Allah, the best of the planners. Mariam, Amna and Fahad Bhai also paid a short visit. It was so nice of Amna to visit us despite of her condition. Now mum was sleeping as I and Ayesha stared at her. Uncle, aunty and Imran came with Ali. Finally when she was taken to the surgery room, I had to leave mum to the hands of Allah and have faith that In Sha Allah everything would go fine.

After three hours

"The surgery was successful! Mum's valve has been cleared from any poisonous gas and she's going to be fine! Al hamdulilah ya Rab!", Ayesha said breathing hardly next to my ear.

Every one around us said "Alhamdulilah" and Ali cheered.

After all this waiting, finally, Allah had mercy on us and we passed this hard trial. I cried in the arms of my sister. She was crying too. The moment was beyond emotional.

Aunty Sabeeha hugged us and said, "May Allah give long life and good health to your pious mother, Ameen"

I got down to Ali's height and gave him a tight hug, "Ali, sweet heart, grandma is going home"

"When can we go back inside?", I asked Ayesha taking Ali in my arms.

"After two hour or so. The doctor was saying that they still need be sure"

"In sha Allah, everything will be fine", Aunty Sabeeha stroked my head and I smiled back.

"We are so sorry you had to go through the trouble with Ali", Ayesha said.

"No it was fine. Ali is very disciplined", Imran said. I looked over to him. He was looking at me. Why did I had the feeling that he wanted to talk too?

Mum had woken up and the doctor and nurses had left the room saying that we can go meet her one by one. Ayesha went in first. She took her time and then I went in. Mum was looking and me with a smile wide spread on her beautiful face.

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