Chapter 10: Saving Us PART 1

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Afaafs's POV

I had decided to save this marriage. I know I had been too bad with Imran but he had been equally bad towards me. Okay. Maybe that was because of me. Shuting out Imran from my life was impossible and I had to get used to this fact soon. I'm married to him. I can't just simply shut out a person who I live with, eat with, sleep with etc. I thought getting married and making mum happy wasn't a big deal and it would make just a minor change in my life but circumstances proved me wrong. Even if I try to be a better person around him this won't mean he's stop thinking about divorce. But my part was what I had to do despite of knowing that things would hardly change in our marriage now. I know I still hated these typical Muslim men but I knew I would have to throw away these thoughts if I ever want to move on.

So, as it was exam season and I had gotten super busy with work. So many papers to correct and re-correct. Also, being a Biology teacher, to submit a new study plan for next year Biology classes. Study plan is the most hardest thing to present. I've seen senior teachers presenting study plans and they were brilliant. This year it was my turn and it was very hard. I was nervous because I only had half of it ready and I just had 24 more hours to get done with it. I had to submit it day after tomorrow and do a presentation on it on Monday. I was frustrated with all the work to do. I leaned back on the head board as I stared at my laptop and all the scattered pieces of paper on the bed. I rubbed my hand on the back of my neck and threw my head back as I closed my eyes. Just as I was relaxing, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in", I said in a weak voice.

"It's me Mariam", she said turning the knob and entering the room.

"Afaaf api, you're sitting alone here and working!", she frowned looking at the laptop, "I and Amna api are sitting downstairs in the living room. We're playing snakes and ladders"

"I'd love to join you but...", I looked at the document on my laptop screen, "there's so much work"

"Oh come on! Work can be done later. Come let's play with us. Amna api is waiting for you. She's the one who sent me to get you", she said pulling me by my arm.

I chuckled, "Mariam...alright. Fine", I got up from my bed and went downstairs with her.

Amna was sitting on the couch with the snakes and ladder's board spread before her.

"Afaaf, come. Let's play", she said excitedly.

There was still some work left which I scheduled for today but I really did needed some time off that frustration. So, we started to play. First Mariam thought that someone was cheating so she asked to restart the game. Then Amna thought she might've missed a. few steps and now here we were re-starting the game for the third time.

"Hey! I'll toss the dice this time", I demanded and Mariam handed me the dice.

"It's a six!", I cheered and clapped.

Then we played on nearly three more complete rounds. The winner in the first round was Amna api and for the second round, me and then when I was winning the third round Mariam couldn't take it so I let her win.

Just as Mariam was celebrating her victory, we heard the main gates open. It was time for one of the husbands to return from work but which husband, was hard to say. Imran and Fahad both had different jobs but somehow their timings matched.

"I hope it's Fahad", Amna said trying to get up from the couch. I helped her taking her hand. We both went together to open the doors.

"If it's my husband then I win so you get to do the dishes tonight and if it's yours then I'll do the dishes", Amna said, her mind still very into playing a game.

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