Chapter 40: Actions & Intentions

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Afaaf's POV

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, all so quick. I started craving for the day I'd hold my child in my arms. I checked the calendar every other day counting the days until my due date. My mood swings and cravings got more complicated as it neared. The exhaustion and breathlessness were taking a toll on me. Hospital visits annoyed the hell out of me. Every thing was too much to handle. On top of that the father of my child, was still a child himself.

"Where are my car keys?!", Imran scratched the back of his head as he looked around cluelessly. "Where have you kept them Afaaf?!"

"I never picked them up!", I argued, "You're the one who throws them away like trash whenever you come back from work!"

"Can we argue after we've found them? I'm getting later here", he said, waiting for me to get up from the bed.

I sigh heavily and get up from the bed slowly. Its not easy to walk around anymore. My knees release a cracking sound reprimanding me for sitting in the same position for too long.

I peak behind the side table where it usually falls off from whenever Imran throws it away carelessly and there it is, as always, waiting to be rescued.

"It's back here", I tell Imran, "I can't bend over to reach for it. You'll have to do it"

"Alright", he comes over and I step aside. "Got it", he says grabbing them and shoving them in his pocket. He palms the other pocket checking something, "Oh no! Where's my wallet now?!", he looks around panicking.

I can see from the corner of my eye that it's on the same side table. He had placed it down there before reaching for the keys. I pick it up and hold it out for him while he's still busy searching it on the bed.

Then he turns around and finds me holding it. Grinning sheepishly he takes it from me. Both of us burst into laughter.

"What would I ever do without you?", he says before pecking my cheek. I flush still smiling and burry my head into his chest.

"I'll be missing you again", I say as I breathe into his masculine cologne. I snake my arms around his wait and hold him in a awkward hug due to my bump.

"I miss you too", he whispers placing his chin on the top of my head.

Imran had started to work over time. When he had informed me, at first I was very happy. It meant saving more for the baby and the expenses that would come up. But later I realised how much I missed him and needed him to be there for me. Hospital visits aren't pleasant, on top of that I had to go alone because Imran would be at work most of the times. After work he was just too tired to do anything but eat and sleep. We made sure to catch up on the details at weekends.

"Just a matter of few weeks and I'll be back to usual working hours", he said reassuringly. He slipped out of my arms and stood back. Sitting down on his knees he spoke to the bump, "Daddy misses you. I can't wait you hold close little guy". He kissed it, gave me a sympathetic look and then left.

"It's just us now", I said stroking the bump, "Let's go for a stroll".


Imran helps me get in the car while he speaks on his phone with, probably, his brother. We were in the parking lot of the hospital and it took me ages the cross the huge distance between the exit door and the car. I huff, annoyed by the fact that Imran had parked so far away. All I wanted now was to go home and have ice cream. I couldn't stand this hospital for another minute! They had me waiting for an hour before a simple check up.

"Where's her school again?", he asks his brother, "Alright", he says before exchanging salams and ending the call.

"Fahad called. He said we'll have to go pick up Mariam from school", Imran tells me as gets he into the driver's seat, "Fahad can't cause his car is still in the garage"

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