Chapter 39: It's a-

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"He makes you in the wombs of your mothers in stages, one after another, in three veils of darkness." 39:6

Afaaf 's POV

In His creation of us, there are indeed signs for those who are conscious of Him. You'll have no choice but to drop to your knees and be awe struck by His creation. There's no room left for doubts, complains, arrogance. There is nothing left to do but to give in, to submit, with heart and with mind.

Staring at the monitor at which the nurse pointed, I was in complete awe. My heart was fluttering as my eyes examined the screen.

"It's a boy", she said, and immediately my eye's met Imran's. A tickling sensation in my tummy now added to the fluttering of my heart and it was as if a bucket full of blessings were poured down into my lap.

In no time, Imran's arms circled my being and the sweet sounds of his light laughter entered my ears, tickling it's way in. No doubt, he too felt the blessings pour over him just as I did.

"We're having a boy", he repeated again in again as if it weren't enough to gather the joy in those words only in one utterance.

"Ya Allah", I breathed. The amount of pain and suffering of the past days mattered no more as I realised what an amazing blessing it was to carry a healthy boy.

The nurse left us for a while and the number of smiles, hugs and blisses exchanged between me and him, in that time, were almost uncountable.

Elated, we left the hospital to visit my in laws and break the news to them at once but first we headed off to buy some sweets.

Imran went on and on along the whole ride telling me how he'd spoil his son with toys and goodies, how he'll play and laugh with him, how they'll be best father and son pair.

Soon I was lost, incapable of understanding anything he said, as my attention drifted to his smile. In that moment I wished the world to never come to end, I wished to see his face always as bright as it was now. For it is not so often that happiness visited us and stayed.

The jolt was awakening as the car came to halt right before my in law's door. "We're here", he said and got out. Only to quickly run all the way to my side to pull open the door for me. "My lady", he spoke with a posh accent, "Let me do the honours", he took my hand in his and gently pulled me out of the car.

"What made your gentleman spirit rise?", I teased.

"Thy beauty my darling"

His hilarious attempt at romance had me laughing in roars.

All gathered in the sitting room as we came close to spilling the secret behind our smiles. Imran was the one to tell them the gender.

Soon smiles spread across the family and we began receiving well wishes and prayers from all around.

"I was never bothered about the gender, just knowing that the baby is healthy and safe brings me such peace", Aunty Sabeeha said, who was sitting beside me showering me with her wisdom.

We then left for mom's place. A surprise visit that one. I was quick to let them know that we were having a baby boy.

"Ali's going to have a brother", that's exactly how I worded it out.

And Ayesha took a second to figure out the meaning.

"No way! Really?! Subhan Allah! Another boy in our family!", she exclaimed and laughed.

And later on we got busy with Ali's embarrassing questions about his soon-to-arrive brother. We regretted talking so openly about it before Ali. We never knew he was even listening.

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