Chapter 6

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"Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given, never forgotten, never let it disappear."

--John Lennon

Janine's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. What a wonderful day to begin! I rolled to my side only to find a vacant place with dents. I quickly went downstairs and inspect if he's there but he's not. My heart sank. I never felt so alone in my whole life. I went back to my room to fix my bed when I caught a glimpse of a sticky note on my alarm clock.


As much as I want to see you waking up today, I really need leave early because I still have lots of things to do. I hope you understand. Just call me if you need anything. Here's my number.


I dug into my phone and saved his number. I feel like being a teenager all over again. The giddy feeling of having your crush's phone number is very present within me now. I called him but he didn't answer the phone. I just tried once because I am thinking that I can disturb him. I shouldn't have called. Maybe he's just wasting his time talking to me. And that thought made my heart clenched. What is wrong with me?! I badly needed a cold bath. My work starts at 2pm until 10pm and it's still 8:45 am. I went to the cr to have my cold bath. When the cold water was running on my skin, I keep on thinking whether I should call him or not. I preferred not to call him because maybe he's too busy to talk to me. I don't know but my guts are telling me to call and my logical side is telling me otherwise. I sided my logical one. After I took a bath, I called Papa so that we can finish my dilemma.

"Papa? This is me Janine"

"Good morning" he said

"Uh.. Yeah. Good morning" I stated awkwardly

"What can I do for you?"

"About the bargain you told me? Well, I was thinking that after I have that wedding gift, we can have a divorce"

"Remember Janine, no one should be divorced in our family"

"Only because you have the option to choose who to be with when you grow old! How about me?! My dignity to choose someone to grow old with is snatched from me at a very young age! Imagine Papa? 25 years old?! And I'm supposed to be married to a guy whom I don't freaking know?" I exclaimed

"Janine, I'm tired of this nonsense talking of yours. I still have lots of things to face"

"Anyway," I sighed giving up "I was thinking of marrying someone I love?"

"And who is it Janine? You don't even have a boyfriend for the past 5 years?!"

"Give me time. I'll find him. I'll make a way"

"Love comes to you. You don't have to find it"

"Look Papa, just give me 2 months perhaps? And I can introduce you to someone"

"2 months Janine. And after 2 months? What will you do?"

"If I can present you someone, then I'm on my own now. And if I can't ughhh-"

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