Chapter 33

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"Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own."

--H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Adam's POV

"Hey, baby girl," I said as she opened her door.

"Hi," she smiled

"Are you a bee?" I asked her

"What? Why did you say that? My dress isn't black and yellow stripes. Wait, did you say that I gained weight?" She crossed her arms

"Of course not. Just ask me why,"

because this is a pick-up line! Damn it! I added mentally

"Okay, why?" She asked with her brow raised

"Because you're so bee-utiful," I smiled

"Thank you," she said while looking down at her lacy red floor length dress that makes her curves even more alluring to my eyes.

"Shall we go now?" She asked me, pulling me out of my lustful thoughts.

I cleared my throat and nodded to her. I offered my arm for her and she gladly took it which sent riffles of electricity to my body. I tried my best to fight the pressure between my legs.

"I can't do this but I need to," I exhaled

"What?" Janine asked as the elevator door closed

"Nothing," I faced her with a smile.

When we arrived at the car, the parking lot lights gave a dim light that highlights her face. God, she's so beautiful.

I opened the passenger's seat for her and I ran to the driver's seat to drive. I glanced at her for the millionth time but this time, I couldn't stop myself from kissing her but I've prepared myself for this moment so I just kissed her cheek.

"What was that for?" She questioned

"Nothing. I just can't resist your beauty," I smiled as I gazed at her beautiful face "Your hair suits your look and red suits your hair," I winked

"Thanks. My brother's wife came for a little chitchat and we ended up with dress ups," she shrugged.

"You look so beautiful," I repeated

"Stop flattering me and get your hands on the steering wheel so that we could eat. I'm starving," she groaned.

"Aye, aye!" I smiled and drove to the venue of our date.

When we arrived she immediately asked why is there a helicopter in front of us and I simply told her it's a surprise.

"Do you have a pilot?" She asked once I accompanied her to her seat.

"Yes. We do have and don't fall in love with him because he's damn hot. But I don't mind if you fall for him. You and him look good together," I winked before I closed the door. I ran to the pilot's seat and opened the door.

"You're the pilot?" She groaned

"Yes, any questions?" I asked when I was settled down and ready to fly.

"I thought it was another guy. I just got too excited then you came here and my dreams of having a hot pilot is crushed,"

"Are you saying I'm not hot?" I asked her

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