Chapter 31

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

--Helen Keller

Adam's POV

I opened my eyes and answered the phone groggily.

"Hell-o?" I staggered

"Adam! Can you buy me some potato salad?" A feminine voice asked

"Excuse me but who's this?" I asked "I didn't remember signing myself up for being a slave" I scoffed

"Stop playing games with me Adam!" She reprimanded

"I'm not! Is this you, Tina?" I inquired

"No," she said, her voice thick like she was crying or was about to cry. I tiredly looked at the caller ID flashed on my screen.

"Janine! I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was you!" I exclaimed

"Baby girl?" I asked when I didn't hear a single sound from her. "Are you still there?"

Then, I heard her sobbed.

"Are you crying?"

"No" she said in a muffled and thick voice

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked

"Look, just buy me some potato salad," she said

"But it's already-" I looked my alarm clock. "-past midnight! I need to sleep. Why can't you wait for the morning to roll in? I'm sure you're not that hungry. You just ate seven barbecues,"

"Please? I'm really craving for them right now. As in right now. Please?" She pleaded

"I really need to rest. Just wait for the morning to come then I'll drop by and give you some potato salad," I said sleepily

"I'm sure by morning I don't want them already. Please Adam. I want them now," she cried

"Crap, why in the world are you crying?" I asked but she didn't respond.

"Okay, wait for me there. I'll get you some potato salad," I said and ended the call. I rubbed my eyes to lessen the sleepiness that is consuming me.

I made my way to my fridge and looked if there still potatoes but there are none. I went out and drove to see if there are any open fast food chains that sell some potato salads.

After an hour of roaming around, I saw a 24 hour fast food chain, downtown that sells some salads including potato salads.

"Hey hottie," the cashier greeted

"Some potato salad please. Take out," I said in a clipped tone and she just giggled.

"Here's your potato salad, hottie," she purred making me cringe mentally. "Do you have some plans for tonight? My shift will be done after 10 minutes from now," she batted her lashes "but we can do it at the back if you're in a rush," she leaned to let me have a view of her cleavage but I stayed my eyes on hers. She quickly flashed me a wink.

"You know what, you're hot. You have disheveled hair and muscular body," she bit her lip. I don't have time for flirting or for other women. "So do you have plans?"

"Yes I do have plans. In fact, I'm gonna give these to my wife," I said as I turned my back and walked to the door

"I can make you feel better than her!" She shouted and I just raised my middle finger

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