Chapter 25

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"So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you."

― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

"Hi! Welcome," I smiled as I entertained another unknown guest. Perhaps, Papa's friend.

"Thank you. Happy birthday," an old man smiled and wrinkles appeared on his face. I looked around the crowded area and tried to spot a gorgeous sin around but I guess he has no idea about my special day. I sighed out of frustration as I made my way to the bar.

"Hey, gorgeous birthday girl" a deep voice said out of nowhere as I settled on a chair. I turned to the source of the voice and my eyes turned into saucers.

"You're here!" I said full of shock.

"Yeah. I can't miss your birthday," he winked

"I didn't remember inviting you" I narrowed my eyes at him

"You're not the one who invited me," he smirked

"Then who?"

"Your father invited my father. Since he can't come, he asked the handsome Alex to substitute him"

I laughed at his statement.

"I'm sorry but is there something ridiculous with my words?" He asked. I tried to let out a single no but I can't find my voice so I managed to shake my head.

"I should call an ambulance. A gorgeous woman just escaped from the mental hospital"

I laughed harder and it made my stomach hurt so much. When my laughter died down a bit, I looked at his face and laughed again.

"I'm sorry but do I look like a clown to you?"

"Nn... Noo" I laughed

"Then why are you laughing?" He asked exasperatingly "Anyway, Dad wants to give this to you" he handed me a paper bag. I took the heavy bag and smiled.

"Thank you. This is kinda heavy"

"Won't you open them?" He asked

"Right. I was planning to open all the gifts at once but a little sneak peak won't hurt someone, right?" I asked and he cackled. I just rolled my eyes on him and sneaked inside the paper bag.

"A book!" I shouted as I opened the gift, not resisting the temptation.

"Oh my! A complete series of books!" I opened one of them "And they're signed!! Thank you" I pulled him into a hug. "Pass that hug to your father" I smiled.

"Glad you loved them" he smiled genuinely "And for mine," he pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

"What is this?"

"See for yourself" he smiled. To my inquisitiveness, I opened the white envelope. I looked at the contents and found a paper. I pulled it out and opened it. As soon as I opened it, my face fell.

"Are you kidding me, Alex?" I looked at his red face. Clearly, he's trying to stop himself from laughing at me. Well, I don't care.

"I was expecting some kind of gift check or a gift certificate to my favorite shop but you gave me a bond paper with the words 'Happy Birthday' written on it? Seriously Alex?"

"I'm sorry. I just want to give that one. This is the real present" he handed me a velvet box. I looked at him and then the box.

"This gift is serious," Alex said

I took the box reluctantly. I opened it and when my eyes fell on it, my heart leaped.

"You like it?" He asked

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