Chapter 34

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"A man in love is cautious with the decisions he makes, words he says, and actions he takes, so he never purposefully causes her pain. He believes in her when she struggles believing in herself. He is her foundation, where she feels safe to be her true self."

--Elizabeth Bourgeret

Weekend rolled in very fast and the day of the ball came. Adam told me that he would get me here in my condo. I was pacing back and forth in my room when the doorbell rang. I looked at myself in front of the mirror one last time and assured myself that I look just fine for tonight. I managed to sprint on my heels. 

I opened the door to see Adam standing in his crisp black suit.

"Hey!" I greeted with a huge grin on my face but he just frowned, the moment he saw me.

"What's with the frown?" I asked

What do you think you're wearing?" he asked

I looked down at my nude colored dress that slightly hugged the curves on my hips when I walk.

"Why? What's wrong with my dress?" I asked

"That's not a dress. You showed too much skin!" he shouted "Get back inside and change what your dress. NOW," he growled

"Why? What's wrong with my dress?" I asked, frowning at his attitude

"You're asking me what's wrong with it? How about you face the mirror and see for yourself?" he asked

"Can't you tell me?" I raised a brow at him

"Fine. I'll tell you. That dress shows too much skin. That V cut is way too down to the point that it showed your cleavage. Now, turn your back," he commanded. I turned my back and gathered my curls in front of me.

"See? It's even backless!" I turned my back to face him "Go change," 

"We'll be late, Adam" I groaned

"I don't care. They can wait," 

"What? No. It took me hours to decide which one to wear and you'll let me change? I'll spend hours choosing what to wear," I stated "Can't you just appreciate my effort in picking up this one? I chose this for you,"

"I will appreciate it if we're on our own but damn it, Janine it's a ball!"

"So?" I asked "You're afraid what people might say?"

"No! I just don't like other men looking at you like I do," his eyes softened

"I won't change but I'll just wear a blazer. Is that okay?" I asked

"Fine," he smiled. I went back to my room and found a deep dusky red blazer. I shrugged it on and went back to Adam.

"That's better," He smiled as he offered his arm and I accepted it with a smile. 

He guided me to the main hall of the building where a sports car was waiting for us.

"Adam, a sports car? Are you serious?" I asked

"You don't like it? That's the latest release of our sports car model. Besides, I think we should arrive in style," he winked

"In style?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, so come on and let's rock this night!" He proclaimed.


We're the very last people to arrive in the gala. I scolded Adam for being late but he just laughed at me.

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