Chapter 30

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"Don't blame gravity for falling in love."

--Albert Einstein

Adam's POV

"That's the big dipper," I said while showing her the constellations "and that's the small one," I said

The meteor shower was done but Janine insisted to stay a little bit longer for the constellations. She told me to show her some so here I am, showing her the constellations I've learned in school.

"Hey, did you know that stars have different colors? They're like people. Different colors, different personalities but they are still equal because they're just the same but different at the same time"

"Oh and look there's the Orion star!" I pointed "See that?" I asked and all I received is a snore. I looked at her and sighed. She's been very tired lately and I wonder why, knowing she doesn't really have some things to do.

I looked at Zwalter and like Janine, he's also asleep. Are these two twins or something? Because there are times that they are very identical when it comes to attitude and the things they'd do.

"You're asleep? Yes, you better be asleep," I chuckled silently. "Have you ever wondered why I'm so overprotective of you? Have you ever wondered why I always find time to spend with you? Have you recalled the favor you asked me when you and your dad had a deal? You asked me to find a guy for you and there I was thinking that you like me in a friendly way. But you spit it out clearly that you didn't like me and on that moment, I realized that I," I looked at her and saw her eyes close immediately.

"You can't fake your sleep, Ginger," I laughed "Open your eyes. I want to look at them,"

She slowly opened her eyes.

"I just woke up, now. As in now. Just 5-9 seconds ago?" She said

"You're not a good liar. Have I told you that?" I asked her

"Yeah. Once. At the bar" she said, remembering the memory.

"Why did you stop?" She asked

I know what she meant but I decided to dodge and ignore the topic.

"Let's go home? You need to rest. And look at Zwalter. He's sleeping already. He must be very tired," I said

"Adam, you realized what?" She asked as I hopped off, carrying Zwalter with me. I opened the back door and placed him insed the car slowly, I don't want to wake him up.

"Next is you. Come," I offered my hand to her.

"I won't come down unless you tell me what have you realized," she raised her brow at me

"Suit yourself. You'll be cold out there," I smirked and went inside the car but she called me back.

"Wait! Get me out of here. I don't want to catch a cold," she pleaded

I just chuckled at her as I guided her down. I closed the side that I opened then I opened the door for Janine.

"Thank you," she smiled

"The pleasure is always mine," I winked at her. When I closed the door, I ran to the driver's seat and got in.

"So are you gonna tell me what have you realized?" She asked

"You'll find out soon," I smiled as I reached for her seatbelt

"Uh. What are you doing?" She asked

"Buckling your seatbelt," I smirked "Are you thinking that I'll kiss you?" I teased

"You wish!" She crossed her arms and faced the window. I just chuckled at her actions.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I asked

"You're already asking," she replied in a clipped tone

"Can you be my date?" I asked and she turned to meet my gaze

"Date?" She repeated

"Yes, date. For the annual ball of my company. It'll be this weekend"

"Why me? Why not Christinna?"

"I haven't think about that" I placed my hand on my chin, thinking.

"Don't tell me she'll be your date?"

"Why not?"

"But.... but you asked me first"

"It seems like you refused" I tried to hide my smirk.

"I didn't say no, you dìck!" She glared with intensity and fire. "You better not ask her to be your date if you want your genitals to be intact."

"I'm just kidding okay?"

"Good" she smiled

"Because I want you," I said before I could stop myself. "For my date," I added

"This..... This weekend? O....okay,"

"Great! I'll pick you up at 6. It starts at 7:00 pm" I informed her

"O..Okay," she stammered.

I drove all the way to her condo and decided that I would stay there for the night. I'm too lazy to go and drive back to my place.

"Baby girl?" I asked but she didn't respond. I casted a quick glance at her but when I did it, I was met by her back.

I parked the car and immediately went out and opened her door but when I opened it, she fell on to me. Good thing, I was able to balance myself before I fell down on the floor.

I gazed at her face and was surprised to see her still sleeping. I placed her weight on the seat first, before I opened the back seat so that Zwalter can go out. I put on Zwalter's leash and carried Janine in my arms.

When we arrived at her room, I quickly laid her down on the soft bed and Zwalter followed.

"Zwalter, move. I'm going to sleep there!" I half shouted and half whispered but the puppy only looked at me without any sign of movements.

"Zwalter! You're not sleeping there because I'm going to be the one who's gonna be sleeping there. You have your own room so go and sleep there," I whispered but he just looked at me.

"Zwalter, I'll kick you out in this room in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1" I picked him up but I immediately pulled my hands when Janine shifted her weight and cuddled Zwalter to a hug.

"What the-" Now, I admit it. I am now jealous of Zwalter.

"She's mine. Don't snatch her away from me. Is that clear, boy?" I growled to Zwalter but he just snuggled even closer to Janine.

"Son of a-" I quickly went out of her room while I can still control myself. I guess I'm going to sleep in my place.

I locked her door and made my way to the car with the thoughts of Zwalter in my mind.

I should've bought a female one for her. Why did I even bought a male husky?

Because you didn't think that you'll get jealous over a 2 month old puppy.

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